What this means etc.
It means men who use prostitutes should feel that their health is not jeopardized by their reckless sexual behaviors, so all is good and capitalist transactions that happen inside women's reproductive organs should continue.
It doesn't mean men who seek out children, homeless women, trafficked victims, and others too marginalized to be officially owned by legal pimps are safer.
As was revealed in Nevada, legal prostitutes are seen by brothel doctors and sometimes after a health check tearful women are seen hastily leaving the brothel with all their belongings and were never heard from again.
I did a little digging and found the report he alludes to.
http://www.nchecr.unsw.edu.au/nchecrweb ... Report.pdfIt contains this point on the methodology:
A total of 202 sex workers were approached and
175 (86.6%) 175 participated in the survey: of the
women, 111 women (63.4%) also self-collected
tampon specimens for STI testing. The most common
reason for the women declining STI testing was
they had recently been tested elsewhere.
One third of the sex workers who participated refused to provide STI samples to the researchers. They got fucked by an average 15 punters per week.
The study also found rate of mental illness found among the prostituted women was twice that of the general population. But who can expect Greenie Patrick Harrison to spare a sentence for what's going on in these troubled women's heads so long as their moneyboxes are Grade A clean meat?