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     News: Feminist Coalition Against Prostitution, new UK activist group

    Sexual PoliticsImagine a world where women and girls are not for sale. Now make it real.
    We are a coalition of UK Feminist individuals and groups who believe that prostitution is violence against women:
    • This is a UK wide group advocating a common approach to prostitution for the whole of the UK
    • We invite all Feminist individuals and groups, from all backgrounds, to join this Coalition

    • We are calling for the decriminalisation of all women, children and men involved in prostitution - and demand that all criminal records for loitering and/or soliciting be wiped so that survivors are not barred from employment branded as 'sex offenders'

    • We urge the UK Government, the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly to consider a Swedish style law to make buying sex illegal and to invest money in exit services such as housing, education & training, legal advice, welfare benefits and health care

    • We believe that prostitution is not inevitable - end demand
    We keep in touch via yahoo groups e.mail group - sign up online at: http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/radicalsister Please note - this list is moderated, membership is moderated. We are unfunded, we welcome donations to our campaign to build a world where nobody is for sale - to make a donation to FCAP please contact for bank details - londonfeminist@yahoo.co.uk

    Associated Topics

    Sexual Violence

         myth-heard by men
    Just as man is the most perfect of all animals, so also, within the human species, man is more perfect than woman. The cause of this superiority is the [male's] superabundance of warmth, heat being the primary instrument of nature... -Galen, Of the Semen (2nd Century A.D.)

         ms-heard by women
    The status quo, by virtue of its mass, exerts an enormous pull on all of us. -Carolyn Gage

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         site dedication
    This site is dedicated to Phillip Michael Peck

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