This is ONE reason why i hate porn

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This is ONE reason why i hate porn

Postby misfitgirl22 » Wed Jun 14, 2006 10:18 pm

I am so mad i was trying to find peoples adresses and i typed in the white pages and i got a whole link to porn sites. That is just messed up!! Okay now what if i was a kid. It is so easy for kids to see porn. On the links there was so many that advetised free porn. And One that really PISSES ME OFF, is the ones that advertised links for teen sex. How sick. Now isn't this suppossed to be againct the law??? What the law dont matter no more? Teens having sex on film for these sorry ass men. Sick!!! I hate this i ahte thsi stupid world. its to darn liberal no one cares or does anything. Why do we even have laws if no one follows them or gets punished for things?? This is not some little thing. Porn is wrong but teen porn is so very wrong. Why is this allowed?I cant belive the things on the internet. Oh yeah how could i forget the link that was also listed abiut golden showers. Oh yeah women have really moved up in this world huh??
Why cant the internet be regulated??? Why do i have to see porn if i dont even want to it? Grrrrrr...I feel like this is battle i will never succeed at.
I am so tired of porn being this cool thing, this in thing. I am tired of people on tv making jokes about porn and talk show hosts talking to women like they are just meat. I am seeing it get worse very day.
Sorry i am just so mad.
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Postby deedle » Thu Jun 15, 2006 1:05 am

Don't be sorry misfitgirl - just be mad. :cussing:
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Postby TheArrantFeminist » Thu Jun 22, 2006 12:17 pm

You are soooo right about it being easy for kids to get porn. A few years ago, my parents discovered that my younger brother had been looking up some really super-sick porn on our family computer -- like beastiality and INCEST! The incest is particularly disturbing because he has four younger sisters to whom he has access everyday. He also has a complex learning disability which (according to the doctor) apparently disables the instinct most people have to not be sexually attracted to their immediate relatives. I used to get the creepy feeling he was going into my underwear drawers and playing with my bras when I wasn't home (this was years ago).

Of course my parents didn't want to face up to this problem, and my father once even accused one of my sisters of being the one who looked at porn!

Plus, it clogged up our computer with a lot of spyware. Damn, I hate porn.
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Postby bluecoat28 » Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:17 pm

Yeah, the way I stumbled upon porn as a child was when I was looking up photos of my favorite cartoon (Sailor Moon). Sailor Moon is a bunch of young anime women superheroines and I stumbled upon horrific Sailor Moon hentai and didn't look away. Cartoon porn scarred me.
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