two Internet sites promote hotels that refuse to carry porn

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two Internet sites promote hotels that refuse to carry porn

Postby CoolAunt » Mon May 29, 2006 11:24 am

This action was the work of conservative and Christian groups. However, I believe that when traveling, we should stay at porn-free hotels, when possible. lets travelers plug in a destination and trip dates, then produces a list of lodgings that, explains the site, allows guests to "book a room for your vacation, business trip, or meeting with the expectation, first, that you and your family or associates will not be exposed to pornographic movies and, secondly, that you will be supporting a facility that cares enough about the wellbeing of its customers not to make harmful pornographic movies available.", composed of avowedly Christian hoteliers who often own several properties, is working within the industry to "eventually have 100 million room nights per year free of pornography." Its site lists 143 pornless hotels and resorts, many of them upscale, in 26 states ... 006/193782
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Postby manxome » Mon May 29, 2006 6:41 pm

Never mind me. Icky off-topic flashback.

I can spot that person's editorials from a mile away. How many synonyms can he come up with for "smut"? Oh, but he is an irritating full-of-himself pain in the butt. Who laughs like a donkey, I swear. Gawd, I shudder just reading through that thing. And here I swore off anything on that editorial page, especially his crap. Next time warn me (kidding)! I do have cooties now, though.
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