false claims and laziness: im not buying it.

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false claims and laziness: im not buying it.

Postby kellum » Sun Nov 18, 2007 2:26 pm

Theres this huge inequity and illogical ideology of most men (and women) that pornography is ok. It's only fantasy. It's harmless. Well I find several weaknesses in this claim. Porn is not fantasy. Porn is prostitution. Porn is a hate crime. Porn watchers are hypocrites. I'm sure I don't have to point these falsities to many or most of you, but some people actually do follow the dogma of 'Porn is only fantasy. Women love it. Porn is natural'.

If porn is only fantasy, who's in the video/pict? Are these women real? If its only fantasy, then are you saying you've got no interest in really doing it, only in pretending? Why would you fantasize about things you don't want to do? Porn is not fantasy. Porn is very real, especially to the empty shell of a female who is participating. If a man fantasizes about having sex with children and has child pornography, is he a pedophile. The answer is yes. If you want to kill someone but don't, are you a murder? No, but you're most likely not a good person. You're participating in the pornography and exploitation even if youre not in the actual pornographic material.

Pornography is a woman getting paid to have sex with a man, or men, or animals for that matter. This is prostitution in every form, yet many men don't see it that way. The woman is not getting picked up by a strange man and getting paid for the sex act in itself in some back ally-way or sleezy hotel; however, she is getting paid to have someone film or photograph her fucking someone. Just because porn stars have breast implants, spray on tans, stilletos, fake nails, and airbrushing, does not make it any better. So, in actuality, its worse than being a prostitute. The woman is not only getting paid to have sex, she is also getting paid to put it on film for the world to see.

Porn is a hate crime. Porn teaches men (and women) that women are warm wet holes to stick your dick in. They are body parts. They are pretty faces to "PAINT" (I just learned that horrible jargon). Porn teaches women that they must conform to every fantasy a man lays out for her. She takes on roles so the man can make her into who he wants. She is not a person. She's a toy. A puppet. She's there to do what will make money. The money comes form men buying the porn. She's a slave. And she's most likely got Stockholm syndrome. If you can't beat them, might as well join them. Conforming, for the insecure or weak, is the only way they believe they can be loved or of any value. This is the equivalent of a black man submitting to his master, in order to incur the least amount of pain. This is a kid in school reading a book on how to best violate a minority kid in his class. This is a woman who submits to rape with a smile on her face.

People who watch porn are hypocrites. These men enjoy women submitting to men and contorting and conforming her body and mind into his fantasy for the day. These men, however, usually don't like their girlfriends giving other men lap dances. These men don't usually high-five their daughters when they come home late one night and brag about the gang bang she just participated in. And especially not the men who partook. These men don't usually take the sides of the ex-boyfriend of his sister who has tarnished her name all over the net with nude picts they took in private. These men think that having a three-some is two females of his choosing and himself. They sure as hell usually don't beg their girlfriends to have three-somes with a man of her choosing. That would be preposterous. Yet these men sure enjoy other's loved ones particpating in the acts.

Also, men bad mouth and degrade prostitutes (though many use them silently when wifey id out of town). They think prostitutes are dirty whores. Yet porn stars are held in high esteem. They worship them. These men still don't want their girlfriends or daughters doing it, but they sure know all the girls by name and have imagined every act possible with them. This is so illogical that I actually have no words to express how stupid it is.

Finally, most people, including women, claim porn and male promiscuity is normal and natural…… I shake my head unforgivingly for this silly notion. Humans are built to have sex facing each other. This is because we walk so upright and the female pelvis has tilted forward. Plus, it makes for great communication during sex. Also, the human male's testicles are mid-sized in comparison to other primates. The primates with large testicles are promiscuous (and men, the females are too. Its not just for you men). Primates with small testicles are solely monogamous. Human men are near to the smaller scale, yet still in between. This draws us to the conclusion that, just as in many (though not most I admit) animal species, humans are meant to be mostly monogamous. If conditions shift to where the male must move to another family/tribe/herd/flock/etc, his body and mind are able to adapt. This could be due to death, too much inbreeding, outbreaks, or other drastic circumstances. (This is like on meerkat manor. When Flower dies saving her children, he mate, Zaphod had to try to find another family to take him in).

A human baby is built in a way that requires the mother to use both of her hands to car for it. The family needs a male to help with the burden. Also, we humans have sex for pleasure more than necessity. We enjoy sex in the absence of children. We may have, in the past, had many children due to the fact that so many dies off, or we may have kept years between them so that we can get the other children fully healthy and able before we are ready for another child (like elephants). Men long for children just as women do, yet when they get them, they blame the woman for making them do it. The human female is built to orgasm externally, needing a caring mate to give time and attention to he pleasure. She gains little pleasure from a strange male who has no concern for her. Love is not something that people just came up with to write stories or make movies. It's a deep feeling that we've grown to have since before we were completely upright. We need love to keep us together, to help out our loved ones and the weaker ones. Even jealousy keeps us able to appreciate what we have and teaches us to hold on to it or some one else will take it away. Humans MAY be the only ones who feel love, but how could we fake such a strong feeling.

In conclusion, I spit on the dogma that women need men. That women are too emotional and men are hard and sex-hungry. Women are more than the virgin/whore dichotomy. Women are people first, not tits and vaginas and asses and legs and small waists. We are not blonds or firey red-heads. We aren't leggy or busty. We aren't any type. We are people. Men need to stop using the excuse of simply being a 'man' to be a bad person. I'm not buying it. After all, if that's all we had to do to get away with shit, I'd lay out of work one week a month. I'd stop taking out the trash. I'd cry every time I didn't get my way. I'd stay home watching t.v. and teasing other men (cuz this is all our fault to ya know) while my man would have to earn a living to care for the family, and stand guard at the door keeping me in and men out...... Own up men..... I'm not buying it.
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Postby elfeminista » Sun Nov 18, 2007 4:27 pm

Kellum you Rawk, period.
"I was analyzing a phenomenon I am seeing on the internet-- a proliferation of blogs in which the blogger identifies as a radical feminist, but does not seem to embrace the distinctives of radical feminism as we understand the term in the United States.And you know, I think it's okay if they do that, but I also think it's important to say what I said because otherwise (1) herstoric radical feminism gets erased; (2) people new to feminism never hear what herstoric radical feminism really was or is."~ Heart
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Postby RGM » Sun Nov 18, 2007 5:17 pm

Hear here!
Canadian novelist Margaret Atwood once asked a male friend why men feel threatened by women. He replied: "They are afraid women will laugh at them." She then asked a group of women why they felt threatened by men. They answered: "We're afraid of being killed."
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Postby MaggieH » Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:53 am

Well-put, Kellum! :thumbright:
"The assumption that "most women are innately heterosexual'' stands as a theoretical and political stumbling block for many women. It remains a tenable assumption, partly because lesbian existence has been written out of history or catalogued under disease;. . . partly because to acknowledge that for women heterosexuality may not be a "preference" at all but something that has had to be imposed, managed, organized, propagandized and maintained by force is an immense step to take if you consider yourself freely and "innately" heterosexual. Yet the failure to examine heterosexuality as an institution is like failing to admit that the economic system called capitalism or the caste system of racism is maintained by a variety of forces, including both physical violence and false consciousness. . ."
-- Adrienne Rich, in Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence: http://www.terry.uga.edu/~dawndba/4500compulsoryhet.htm

“The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for white, or women created for men.” ~ Alice Walker
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Postby Andrew » Mon Nov 19, 2007 2:04 pm

THe best one paragraph primer on sexuality,ever.
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