Amnesty: Greece trafficking increased tenfold

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Amnesty: Greece trafficking increased tenfold

Postby sam » Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:55 am

Amnesty report criticizes Greece over sex trafficking of women, children


ATHENS, Greece (AP) - Trafficking of women and girls to Greece for
prostitution has mushroomed in recent years, a situation worsened by
holes in the judicial system that expose the victims of this illicit
trade to extra risks, Amnesty International said Tuesday.

A new report by the organization says thousands of women and girls,
brought illegally into the country and forced into the sex trade,
continue to suffer at the hands of authorities who require them to
testify against suspected traffickers as a price for receiving crucial
legal and personal protection.

However, "in practice, the protection offered (to victims) is minimal,"
the report says.

Amnesty says clandestine trafficking into Greece grew tenfold between
1990 and 1997, and after a temporary decline has again increased tenfold
since then.

It amounts to a "modern form of slavery" that allows traffickers to
escape justice, said Nicola Duckworth, program director for Europe and
Central Asia.

Greece has bolstered anti-trafficking legislation since 2002, but many
victims still suffer from a fear of reprisals and an inadequate penal
system, says Amnesty.

Even once identified, they get just 30 days to decide whether to testify
against the traffickers in exchange for help _ an unacceptable tradeoff,
says the human rights advocacy group.
If they choose not to testify, victims can themselves be prosecuted for
unlicensed prostitution or illegal entry and be deported _ often to be
trafficked anew.

Amnesty wants Greek authorities to learn to better identify victims of
trafficking and strengthen legal protection for them.
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