resources on prostitution

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resources on prostitution

Postby sam » Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:20 pm

This is a great page of links on porn, prostitution, rape, domestic violence, trafficking, harrassment, etc. Current and clearly anti-porn, anti-legalization of prostitution, etc. Really good.

Here is this person's page of all women specific links. Very thorough, and very good.
chaotic good
Posts: 4391
Joined: Thu Dec 30, 2004 12:54 am

resources on prostitution

Postby sam » Fri Dec 30, 2005 12:46 pm

One of the first places I learned about prostitution from when I was still a pornographer user and a favorite of mine still, the Prostitution Research & Education develops research and educational programs to document the experiences of people in prostitution. Chock full of good statistics and research with methodology and results detailed.

More research:

Buying Sex: A Survey of men in Chicago - A survey conducted by the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless, May 2004

Prostitution and Homelessness - A Fact Sheet by the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless

Sisters Speak Out: The Lives and Needs of Prostituted Women in Chicago - A report by the Center for Impact Research, August 2002

Unlocking Options for Women: A Survey of Women in Cook County Jail - A survey conducted by the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless, April 2002 ... lstudy.pdf

The Prostitution of Women and Girls in Metropolitan Chicago: A Preliminary Prevalence Report - A report by the Center for Impact Research, May 2001 ... report.pdf

Prostitution Research Compilation - A list of major recent North American prostitution research, compiled by Jody Raphael of Center for Impact Research
chaotic good
Posts: 4391
Joined: Thu Dec 30, 2004 12:54 am

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