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Cambodian prostitutes research

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:40 pm
by delphyne

A report, sponsored by USAid on the rape of Cambodian prostitutes conducted by an NGO, Alternate Visions in 2004 interviewing 1000 prostitutes about their experiences of rape and violence. 97% of prostitutes had been raped in the past year.

The study came about because the Cambodian prostitutes who Alternate Visions was working with specifically requested that rape and violence should be what was investigated. The researcher initially didn't believe them when they told her the extent of rape amongst themselves. She thought she knew better. She now realises that even though they've been trained to demand condom use to protect from HIV, Cambodian prostitutes are not able to claim their human and legal rights. No surprises there then, except for the stupid researcher.

Abstract here -


Full report can be downloaded here -


PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:47 pm
by Nieves
On the first page of the report they mention sex workers and police men.