request for literature

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request for literature

Postby Pony » Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:09 am

I would like reading suggestions from board members on the topics of pornography, rape, and violence against women. I have difficulty reading academic material (both because I do not have an academic background and because I am an English major and become suicidal when confronted with what most academics do to language) so prefer suggestions for plain and well written expository prose, such as I see Robert Jensen and Gail Dines using. All material, books and articles, must be online or available from libaries (public or university) because I will not buy.

I also request study citations which back up our points of view. If you can give full article or PDF study that's great but citations are good too. I'll hunt them down, and in fact, because I hold media access priviliges I can sometimes get copyrighted material from academic and medical publications.


Here's what I'm reading now:

From another thread on GB (thanks Delphyne)
"Mortality rates of prostitutes in the US (including data on murder statistics) - ... /159/8/778

To our knowledge, no population of women studied previously has had a crude mortality rate, standardized mortality ratio, or percentage of deaths due to murder even approximating those observed in our cohort. The workplace homicide rate for prostitutes (204 per 100,000) is many times higher than that for women and men in the standard occupations that had the highest workplace homicide rates in the United States during the 1980s (4 per 100,000 for female liquor store workers and 29 per 100,000 for male taxicab drivers)."

Postby sunnysmiles » Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:03 am

I don't know if this is useful to you - but this has an enormous list of books re pornography from a feminist perspective: http://mensbiblio.xyonline. net/pornography.html#Heading1
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