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Life Coach seeks business

PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 5:46 pm
by oneangrygirl
This guy sent me an email. Could be useful for someone.

I am a life coach that helps individuals overcome pornography addiction. I have therapists that refer out to me for this vast problem. I want to help people
because I have seen how destructive it is and I believe many people want to quit but don't know how to achieve it. You can see my website that is still in the workings at<>. If you have questions for me you can email me at<>. Thank you for your time.

Jason H. Wilcox
Certified Life Coach

PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 8:23 pm
by rich
Could be useful for someone.

Yeah, Jason Wilcox and his stupid fucking bank account. :mrgreen:

Sorry. That's just like men though: as a class we sell the "vice" and we sell the "cure." I don't appreciate him trying to make you -- or any other feminist -- a middle-woman in that game, only to cut you out when his "career" takes off and he doesn't need women like you anymore, since the "cures" always support male power, or at least male moneymaking opportunities.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 4:52 am
by Army Of Me
Yeah, well, at least some sort of "therapist" has admitted it's a problem - but you sound as cynical as me about the "create the market and supply the service" principle.

I've had more than one female therapist tell me there's nothing wrong with porn - I don't know what's fucking up women's heads more, porn, or being told it's ok by other females. hmmmmm.

I need a therapist to help me answer that?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:36 am
by oneangrygirl
i suppose that's one way to look at it.
unless wilcox is a pornographer and a life coach, i don't see that he's selling vice and cure.
just passing info along...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:51 am
by Army Of Me
no, it's good that someone has actually put it out on the table so to speak - they usually just give the old cop-out excuses for porn so they don't have to face it and deal with it.

Thanks for the link though - I will check it out.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:03 am
by rich
just passing info along...

I know. You know how I am, though. :p

I'm just saying that the porn thing is just an angle to separate him from all the other 18 year old "life coaches" with pseudo-accreditation and amateurish websites. He might care deeply about the issue (though not enough to make any sort of name for himself outside of his business, as of yet), but it's still an angle. And the angle is afforded to him by other members of the gendered class that he belongs to. He stands to benefit economically from the patriarchal construction of pornography and while feminists might be "launching" his career (that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but he certainly wasn't shy about contacting you for a promo), it's the money of christian men who will eventually sustain him. And the arrangement between the vice sellers and the cure sellers in this case will do nothing to diminish the power of those men.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:07 am
by oneangrygirl
is "life coach" an actual certified specialty at this point?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 9:21 am
by rich
Well, as much as reiki healing is.

AFAIK, it's (and I'm speaking of credentials, I'm not saying that life coaching can't be useful to some people or that everyone offering it is a carrion vulture) sort of like a pyramid scheme with the people already making money taking the money of those who want to make money.

I guess that's what education is all about in every discipline, but life-coaching is a bit more sketchy: the only people taking the certificates seriously are those who are already grandfathered into the field (and thus get to teach) or those who desperately want in.

There's no actual requirement for any kind of certificate to practice so the only reason coaches have to desire one is to shut *other* people out of the game. Can't let the riff-raff start shaking down the clients! But back to grandfathering-in: a guy like Wilcox can use his claim of course-credit or whatever to come out on top of at least the grand-MOTHERs in the field, women with actual experience in dealing with people.

Anyway, the questions he asks on his site ("Have you ever felt like there is so much more to life, but you just don’t know how to access it?") are very bootstrappy; life coaching doesn't seem to deal with ideas of oppression very well and thus I think the biggest problem he and his clients have with pornography is the "waste of time" tact. It's the thing keeping them from getting constant blow jobs from the missus or from becoming branch manager or deacon or what have you.

YOU have the innate power to create
and live the life you dream of living.

Yeaaaah, whiteboy!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:24 pm
by oneangrygirl
you know he's going to find this forum through links, right?
for the record, just because certain men invented porn does not mean that other men cannot also work against it, IMO.
but i don't know this guy from a hole in the wall, so...

PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:17 am
by rich
you know he's going to find this forum through links, right?

He'll get over it. He should have known that there might have been a drawback to jumping into a political discourse just to advertise himself to a wider audience.

And yeah, you're right, but as you also know, even "good" males benefit from a rape culture. Plus, we're not even necessarily talking about pro-feminists but also the men who are anti-porn but who are extremely pro-hierarchy in other spheres.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 7:39 pm
by oneangrygirl
didn't feel like starting a new thread for this one:
the owner of this website contacted me. i am not advocating this website to anyone. just see what you think.

Life Coachery

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 11:23 pm
by vmarinelli
oag wrote:is "life coach" an actual certified specialty at this point?

I have a significant bias here (someone I know is a LC), but I tend to think that all this life coachery is a bunch of bullshit. E.g., for therapists who are tired of hearing about trauma, so they solicit financially and otherwise secure people as clients, who don't necessarily need their services, but who just want to feel better about themselves in a bizarre class-privileged self-improvement cultish kind of way.

Or the "life coaches" weren't particularly skilled therapists to begin with, and they needed to make themselves feel useful with the degree they spent so much of their parents' money to obtain, etc.

Or they really fucked up in their profession and maybe can't work with bona fide therapy clients anymore, for licensure or other reasons.

(Like I said, I have a bias.)

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 11:24 pm
by vmarinelli
oag wrote:didn't feel like starting a new thread for this one:
the owner of this website contacted me. i am not advocating this website to anyone. just see what you think.


PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:37 am
by CoolAunt
I've visited that site before. There's some fun, man-hating shit there. It's good for some laughs.

I don't like the name, though. Woman Savers sounds like disposable containers for keeping leftover women in. Now that's Ewwwwww. :pukeright:

PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:44 am
by sunnysmiles,,1923209,00.html

A funny yet timely and informative article about "life-coaching" in the UK. I'm guessing it's no different than north america though.

I think the "woman saving" sounds so damn christian!!! I was pleasantly surprised to see it wasn't that!