Ask Gov. Schwarzenegger to Release Human Trafficking Victim

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Ask Gov. Schwarzenegger to Release Human Trafficking Victim

Postby bluecoat28 » Fri Nov 19, 2010 9:58 am

Sara Kruzan is in jail (for life?) for killing a pimp. This is an example of the criminal justice system continuing abuses against women and children who are victims of pimps.

If you live in the USA, please sign this in support of Sara's release:

http://humantrafficking.change .org/petitions/view/ask_gov_schwarzenegger_to_release_human_trafficking_victim_sara_kruzan_with_time_served

Letter from Rachel Lloyd (GEMS) to trafficking victims about Sara's case:

http://www.huffingtonpost .com/rachel-lloyd/post_1273_b_784557.html
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