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Former Porn User Says Porn Degrades Women As Just F*ckholes!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:07 pm
by fullhumanity
Subj: Former Porn User Says Porn Degrades Women As Just

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Forum Name Women's Rights ... x6696#6812

6812, Since you

Posted by gaspee on Sat Mar-31-07 08:28 AM

-- (warning for frank language.)

Seem to think only people who have seen a lot of porn are qualified to speak, I might meet your qualifications. I've watched a lot of porn. I used to have no problem with porn. I *write* erotica for a few online magazines. A few years ago, I got so disgusted by het porn that I've never watched it again. I will watch gay porn, either m/m or made for *women* f/f. I won't watch made for men f/f.

porn is degrading to women. Period. Mainstream porn, especailly. I've watched a lot of it over the years. I'm no spring chicken. I don't have a problem watching m/m porn. Funny, that. Know why? because I don't take it personally when men are treated like a f*ck hole. Hmmm... I think I'm onto why most men don't have a problem watching women turned into nothing but a place to stick their d*ck.

When watching for what passes as mainstream porn these days, I get sick to my stomach. Anal, face fucking to the point where the poor girl is next to vomiting, slapping, demeaning talk. it's all there in mainstream porn. Why men are so turned on by anal in het porn has always been a mystery to me. Why women do it is another mystery. I can get why men have anal sex. Women do it because men want them to.

What makes me the most sick is the look in the girls', oh sorry, *actresses*, eyes. It f*cking kills me these days, which is why I don't watch het porn any more.

And I'm speaking as someone who has seen a lot of it.

Now put on some Bel Ami stuff and my girlfriend and I are quite happy. Why? Watch it sometime, then watch the current top five or ten selling het porn titles and I think you'll see the difference. And if you don't, that's a little scary.

And to continually say that het porn "isn't like that" and looking at the top selling and rented titles makes me think you are being disingenious or in plain old denial.

Because the most popular het porn is like that.

And someone doesn't have to watch a lot of porn to see just how degrading to women it is. One or two mainstream het movies should do that pretty darn quick.