First Carnival Against Pornography and Prostitution!

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First Carnival Against Pornography and Prostitution!

Postby sam » Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:22 pm

Lots of good stuff you should find the time to read. Here's a taste of what lies behind the link:

The First Carnival Against Pornography and Prostitution ... stitution/

An excellent article to kick off the first Carnival Against Pornography and Prostitution is “The Truth About Prostitution” from Maggie Hays’ brilliant Against Pornography site, in which she gathers together material from many sources to refute some common myths about prostitution.


Captain Vanille of The Female Stain bring us an interesting piece on language, “Language, Definition and Privilege, ” in which she discusses in particular the term “pro-porn feminism”.


Miss Andrea has done a great job drawing together some “Porn Statistics and Research“, in a post which, as she says, “should refute the claim of pro-pornies quite nicely”.


“My Story - from First Encountering Pornography to Becoming a Radical Feminist,” the second piece in this Carnival by Maggie Hays, creator of the Against Pornography site, details just that; how she first noticed patriarchy and became a radical feminist, and how the work of Robert Jensen was pivotal to her making certain realisations.


Feminist Law Professors brings us news of the“BYU Study About Pornography and College Students,” which looks like it’s come up with some interesting results.


Now for two pieces of writing by Rebecca Mott. Rebecca is a remarkable woman, who writes truthfully and directly from her own experiences. She sent these pieces to me to publish on my blog as she didn’t have one of her own, but she has recently started her own blog here, which is required reading.


In “Rape>Feminism?” ‘Cause Knowledge is Power conducts a short experiment to check the popularity of searching for “feminist porn” on the internet, as compared to “rape porn”, or other search terms.


On the Liberal Conspiracy blog, Jess McCabe writes about “A New Coalition on Prostitution,” which aims to put forward a feminist perspective against prostitution. It is to be launched on 11th February 2008, and is open to “all those who believe in real women’s rights, rather than men’s rights to buy women.”


Mary Tracy argues the case for censorship in the fight against pornography, and explains how the concept of “free speech” is actually silencing anti-porn feminists in “Censoring the Speech”from her blog Beyond Feminism.


And finally for this edition, we have a brilliant post by Pisaquaririse of Buried Alive. “Not Anti-Sex. Anti-Sexy,” explains, as you might guess from the title, why she is anti-’sexy’ (ie the appropriation of sex by the patriarchy);
"Your orgasm can no longer dictate my oppression"

Trisha Baptie
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