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     News: Mom's sleuthing helped find missing daughter

    Sexual ViolenceTuesday, September 14, 2004
    By MARGARET ELLIS, Columbian staff writer
    The Columbian (Clark County, Washington)

    Fourteen-year-old Kylie Taylor is home and the man who is alleged to have held her captive and tortured her for the past two weeks is in jail, thanks largely to her mother's sleuthing.

    Stanley Scott Sadler, 47, of Fircrest, was charged Monday with three counts of third-degree rape of a child, two counts of sexual exploitation of a minor and one count of first-degree kidnapping. He is being held in the Pierce County Jail in Tacoma on $250,000 bail.

    Debbie Farnam talked to reporters Monday and agreed to allow hers and her daughter's names and photos to be published. She said Kylie will receive therapy and go on to high school this fall.

    Kylie walked away from a foster home in the Fern Prairie area Aug. 29 to meet Sadler. She had been communicating with him via the Internet for more than a year, according to Farnam.

    Kylie is sometimes voluntarily sent to a foster home. Her mother said Kylie has Asperger syndrome, a mild form of autism, and is bipolar. She was at the foster home for a few days while she adjusted to new medication, Farnam said.

    Kylie told her mother that she just wanted to talk to Sadler and planned to return home, but once she got in his car, he refused to let her out.

    According to court documents, he kept her chained to a bed while he was at work. Police say he beat her and took sexually explicit pictures of her. He also allegedly forced her to engage in sex acts with a woman police haven't identified.

    Last week, frustrated by what she saw as inaction by the Clark County Sheriff's Office, Farnam began investigating on her own, researching the Web sites her daughter frequented and contacting people her daughter chatted with online.

    Farnam noticed that a poetry Web site showed her daughter had recently logged on and that Kylie had thanked people who complimented poetry she'd posted on the site.

    It was a huge relief. "Inside, I didn't hold much hope. When I found that, it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders," Farnam said.

    Kylie said Sadler was allowing her on to the poetry site to copy poetry for him. She hoped someone would notice she was online.

    "She was told no one was looking for her, that no one cared," Farnam said. "She said she was trying so hard to connect with me."

    Kylie said Sadler cut and dyed her hair black to make her less recognizable.

    Kylie told her mother that Sadler threatened her family, describing different ways he could hurt them and asking her which she preferred.

    Once Farnam saw her daughter's presence online, she contacted Perverted Justice, a vigilante Web site that relies on volunteers to expose would-be pedophiles by posing as underage children in chat rooms.

    Xavier Von Erck, the director and owner of the Portland-based site, hoped to find Kylie by finding the computer she was posting on. Von Erck said he was aghast that the sheriff's office hadn't done a forensic examination on Farnam's computer, even though it was believed that Kylie was with someone she met online.

    Von Erck contacted the Internet provider, which would only give Sadler's address to a police officer. Von Erck said Clark County detectives agreed to examine Farnam's computer and contact the Internet provider at his urging.

    Clark County detectives obtained the address and contacted Pierce County. With help from Fircrest Police, deputies in Pierce County went to Sadler's home and arrested him on Sunday.

    Farnam complained that Clark County sheriff's detectives weren't sympathetic to her or her family, and treated her daughter as a runaway, not a kidnap victim.

    Detective Sgt. Dave Trimble said Kylie had run away twice before. "She's passing herself off as 19," he said, and trying to arrange meetings with older men. "She is a victim just by virtue of her age," Trimble said. "She invited this all on herself."

    He said the Clark County Sheriff's Office had difficulty examining the computer Kylie used because Kylie visited sexually explicit Web sites. "Most of the Web sites that Kylie was visiting, most often, we can't even access from county computers," Trimble said. "Our firewalls won't let us access those. It somewhat hindered the investigation."

    On Sunday, Pierce County sheriff's deputies found Kylie in Sadler's home. According to court records, she was curled into the fetal position on a bed. She wearing only a plaid skirt, and was surrounded by chains and sexual devices.

    She didn't respond to police officers when they called her name and began to moan when one officer touched her foot. She complained that her stomach hurt and she was dizzy, according to the records.

    Officers found a room covered in black plastic containing a bench with chains and restraints, a video camera on a tripod, sexual devices, lingerie and pornography , according to the records.

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