More stickering fun

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More stickering fun

Postby oneangrygirl » Fri Jun 16, 2006 10:52 am

I've ordered from Unamerican in the past. I like most of their stuff, although he's got about 1000 stickers and I'm sure at least a few would offend me. I think he did drop one that says "Pornography needs you" after I complained.
Anyway, see what you think.

hello everyone - big, big news!!!

*my new sticker book is hitting the shelves* over the next week, published
by the fine folks at Disinformation!!!

*Sticker Nation - The Big Book Of Subversive Stickers - by Srini
this amazon link even has it *on sale for less than $10 as a new release!!!*
or if you want you can click here to buy it from awesome indie bookstore
Atomic Books :) <>
the book is packed with *432 real stickers *(you can peel 'em right out of
the book!!!)for just $15, and they are totally awesome. this is exactly
what you might imagine it to be - i stickered up half of brooklyn last month
with my promo copy & i only used about half the book up. i am not kidding,
this book is a dream come true for all unamerican sticker fans!!!
i've attached a few photos of the book to this email so you can get a look
at it. i really could use your help. next time you're in a bookstore or any
store that sells books, whether it's Borders or your local indie bookshop, *
please* ask them if they've got it in stock! all i've heard is that it's in
Barnes & Noble in the "Cultural Studies" section in major urban areas. we
need to get this book out into the rest of the country so when you ask a
store if they've got it and they have it in stock send me an email & i'll
put 'em on the map! and if they *don't* have it, ask 'em to get it :) i'm
not making this up: you will be doing them a FAVOR. this book is totally

of course we still have our classic shirts, vinyl stickers, 1" buttons,
coffee mugs, and patches at - here comes the
summer :)
anyway i hope you dig the book! drop me a line when you get a chance.

I guess some slavery feels like freedom.
-Wembley Fraggle
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Postby sam » Fri Jun 16, 2006 12:11 pm

Some of them I like, very few offend me, but overall I'd rather get pro-woman stuff from you than generic anti-establishmentarianism stickers like these.
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Postby dragonfly » Fri Jun 16, 2006 6:06 pm

I didn't see too much there that interested me, and not many that offended either. I don't think I'd need a book with a bunch of random stickers in it...I'm more interested in how I can get your latest sticker creation, oag.
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Postby annared » Sat Jun 17, 2006 1:27 am

I would much rather have a sticker, created from a genunine Radical Feminist, than from an entrepreneur whos motives aren't *passionately* pro female. The former is a commitment and a statement, the latter simply a statement. But that's me being a tad *anal* :D
" is the very act of women's bodies being bought and sold by men that sustains the subordinate position of women and children on a global scale". Julie Bindel ________________
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Postby oneangrygirl » Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:56 pm

FWIW i asked srini this:

i'm buying it. does it contain anything that one angry girl won't approve
> of?

and he said this:
not at all, it is super super pure, you will love it. in fact it contains
things like "feminism forever" and there's a really strong antipatriarchal
thrust. i also want to thank you for the influence a few years back, you
are seriously one of my favorite people :)

I guess some slavery feels like freedom.
-Wembley Fraggle
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Postby oneangrygirl » Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:58 pm

but anyway, for my new stickers, I'm trying to upload images of them here, but i don't know how.

they cost me 1.30 each to make, then there's envelopes and postage, so how about we do:
first sticker is free but you have to buy more than one? in other words, 2 bucks will get you 2 stickers, 4 bucks gets you three, and so on.
just so I don't go broke with all this crazy activism.

you can send a payment to
I guess some slavery feels like freedom.
-Wembley Fraggle
antiporn star
Posts: 1815
Joined: Thu Jan 20, 2005 7:37 pm
Location: Land of Soccer Moms

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