prostitutes getting younger quotes

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Re: prostitutes getting younger quotes

Postby sam » Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:07 am

Elem warns of rise in teen prostitution
http://www.jpost .com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1246443871735&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull

[Israel] Warning of a significant increase in teenagers turning to prostitution to make quick cash, non-profit child welfare organization Elem launched an intensive ten-day Internet campaign Tuesday aimed at rescuing teens from entering the sex trade.

"The number of children and teens involved in sex for money is growing every day," said Awake All Night project director Dorit Friedman. "We're constantly seeing ads seeking younger and younger children for underage sex."
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Re: prostitutes getting younger quotes

Postby sam » Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:56 pm

Dear John .com/lifestyle/relationships/articles/2009/10/11/dear_john/?page=2

No one knows exactly how many women work in prostitution in Massachusetts or whether it’s on the rise (1,229 arrests were made last year of both men and women on charges of purchasing or selling sex), but experts do say that the age of initiation is dropping to 12 and 13 years old and that the girls and women who sell sex are suffering increasing levels of violence at the hands of pimps and johns.
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Re: prostitutes getting younger quotes

Postby sam » Sat Dec 12, 2009 7:42 am

Prostitutes flood Copenhagen for climate talks ... 9rwg9.html

"We've observed an increase in the number of prostitutes in the streets of Copenhagen, in particular from eastern Europe," police spokesman Lars-Christian Borg told AFP, noting that the world's oldest profession "is not illegal in Denmark."

"The scene has become much rougher and the prostitutes are getting younger and younger
, some are just 16 according to the police," a Hotel Guldsmeden spokeswoman, Kirsten Skovgaard, said.

Denmark is the only country in the Nordic region to allow both the sale and purchase of sex, its Nordic neighbours having outlawed the purchase of sex but not the sale in a bid to strangle demand.
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Re: prostitutes getting younger quotes

Postby sam » Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:21 pm

Sexploitation of children
http://washingtontimes .com/news/2009/dec/20/sexploitation-of-children/

An investigation by the United Nations Human Rights Council, just concluded, finds that the number of Internet images of brutal rape, bondage and other depraved abuses of children have quadrupled since 2007...The trend is toward depicting ever younger children.
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Re: prostitutes getting younger quotes

Postby sam » Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:42 pm

Being prostituted at 13 is a common story
http://www.oregonlive .com/hovde/index.ssf/2010/01/being_prostituted_at_13_is_a_c.html#_login

While the average age of entry into prostitution in the United States is growing increasingly younger with adults forcing girls into the life, hooking them on drugs and making them emotionally dependent on them, our awareness of the domestic sex trafficking problem right under our noses is growing, too.
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Re: prostitutes getting younger quotes

Postby sam » Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:36 am

Atlanta Tops US Cities for Prostitution
Published : Monday, 12 Apr 2010
Reported By: Aungelique Proctor | Edited By: Leigha Baugham

Kaffie McCullough, an advocate with Future Not a Past, an organization that tries to combat child prostitution, says the problem of prostitution and child prostitution has gone high-tech.

McCullough said pimps are also starting to target younger girls, because she said they are easier to control.
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Re: prostitutes getting younger quotes

Postby gbl » Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:46 pm

Chad Kroeger, lead singer (sic) of the Grammy and other award winning crotch rock band, has a set of lyrics that sound mightly like pedophilia to me. I can't click and copy here, so look up the lyrics to Something in your Mouth.

Since this can skirt by Grammys and Juno awards committees with no probs, and in fact since Prime Ministes with pre-pubescent daughters can honor Krueger in 24 Sussex Drive at the family dinner table, why would we be shocked? It used to be shocking. Now it's tell us something new.
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Re: prostitutes getting younger quotes

Postby sam » Wed May 05, 2010 8:52 am

Sting nets child porn gatekeeper
By Chris Barton
New Zealand Herald
4:00 AM Saturday May 1, 2010 ... d=10641927

O'Brien says he's noticed a disturbing trend in the type of images now traded since the unit began tracking images on the internet in 1996.

"The material has got a lot younger and a lot more violent. When we first started a lot was trying to portray consensual action between adult and the child, often with the child is smiling."
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Re: prostitutes getting younger quotes

Postby sam » Mon May 24, 2010 10:08 am

Human trafficking isn't just overseas: It's alive in D.C. and its suburbs.
By Petula Dvorak
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, May 21, 2010 ... 05315.html

The detective I talked to almost a decade ago was certainly onto this. But few called it slavery back then. It was "a network" and "runaways" and "groups of people traveling from city to city."

But over the past several years, detectives in our region began seeing younger prostitutes, girls promised excitement and glamour, lured from small towns and trapped by violence and manipulation.
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Re: prostitutes getting younger quotes

Postby sam » Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:16 pm

From Huffington Post

The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in NYC - An Update

Lia Petridis Maiello
September 3, 2010 02:09 PM ... 05158.html

The noticeable shift in age toward younger girls, Smolenski explains by the ongoing sexualization of youth and the growth of the sex industry in the US. Rachel Loyd, founder of GEMS, Girls Educational and Mentoring Services, in New York City, says, "Men are not necessarily looking for children, they don't really care how old she is and they don't really want to think about how old she might be."
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Re: prostitutes getting younger quotes

Postby sam » Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:48 am


Neglected Atrocities: Human Trafficking
Jenn Herrmann
Oct 28, 2010 ... ng/page-2/

The problem affects not only women, but also children. CATW reports a marked drop in age for girls entering prostitution, as well as an increase in the demand for child prostitutes, “as men feel safer from AIDS with younger girls.”
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Re: prostitutes getting younger quotes

Postby sam » Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:13 am

Sex trafficking spikes in Argentina ... 5964892914

"One particularly worrying piece of information is that the age of the victims is declining," Ms Tunez said.

"There is a growing demand for younger women - from adolescents of 16 to girls as young as eight," she said. Young boys and male adolescents now also are being targeted for kidnap.
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Re: prostitutes getting younger quotes

Postby sam » Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:45 am

This story from Alternet includes the fact about ages into prostitution getting younger in the story's lead. ... age=entire

What It's Like to Be 17 and Having Sex for Money
The number of girls forced to sell their bodies in the streets and in casinos and hotels keeps rising, even as their age keeps dropping.
In cities across America, hundreds of thousands of children get caught up in the trade. At least 60 percent of the young children picked up for prostitution-related offenses are not from Vegas.

The number of girls forced to sell their bodies in the streets and in casinos and hotels keeps rising, even as their age keeps dropping. “They are getting younger and younger,” Shannon says
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Re: prostitutes getting younger quotes

Postby sam » Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:29 pm

A Mother's Worst Nightmare ... 02508.html

"Phoebe's child is six-years-old.

Shocked by this story I talked to local law enforcement and learned that this case is not an anomaly. The age of children being forced into prostitution in this country is getting younger and younger. What was unusual here was the involvement of the child's father."
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Re: prostitutes getting younger quotes

Postby sam » Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:41 am

Child sex trafficking in UK on the rise with even younger victims targeted ... ng-uk-rise

"The trafficking of British children around UK cities for sexual exploitation is on the increase with some as young as 10 being groomed by predatory abusers, a report reveals today.

The average age of victims of such abuse has fallen from 15 to about 13 in five years, according to the report by Barnardo's, the UK's biggest children's charity."
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Re: prostitutes getting younger quotes

Postby sam » Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:50 am

Children caught in Winnipeg sex-trade sweep
CBC News
Posted: Jul 8, 2011 ... l.facebook

Det. Sgt. Shaunna Neufeld said the girls involved in prostitution are getting younger and younger.

"You know, there's kids just as young as 11 or 12 doing prostitution, involved in prostitution. It's horrible. It's horrific."
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Re: prostitutes getting younger quotes

Postby sam » Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:36 pm

From an October 2011 speech

Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the National Summit on Protecting Children from Sexual Exploitation ... 10141.html

"But, unfortunately – at the same time – we’ve also seen an historic rise in the distribution of child pornography, in the number of images being shared online, and in the level of violence associated with child exploitation and sexual abuse crimes. Tragically, the only place we’ve seen a decrease is in the age of victims."
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Re: prostitutes getting younger quotes

Postby sam » Wed Nov 07, 2012 10:00 am

Sex Trafficking of Minors “Epidemic” in Alaska
November 6, 2012 ... 85741.html

Authorities said prostitution is hardly new to Alaska, but the face of it is changing.

“I think we have just gotten better at recognizing it,” said Sergeant Kathleen Lacey. “It has always been around, we are just getting better at recognizing it. The victims are getting younger and younger.”
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Re: prostitutes getting younger quotes

Postby sam » Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:41 am

Younger girls forced into prostitution in economic crisis: conference
By Belinda Goldsmith for Reuters
London ... 0620121205

Younger and younger girls are being dragged into prostitution because of the global economic crisis, a conference on women's rights was told on Wednesday.

Ruchira Gupta, founder of Indian charity Apne Aap Women Worldwide that works with prostitutes in 10 red light districts, said cuts in funding to women's projects had reduced the options open to women and girls other than prostitution.

"We are seeing the number rise in these 10 red light districts while the age of the girls is falling," said Gupta, adding the average age of female prostitutes in India was between nine and 13.
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Re: prostitutes getting younger quotes

Postby sam » Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:21 am

Children victimizing children: Police seeing teens involved in human trafficking
Jessica Smith, Metro Toronto
April 8, 2013 ... ing-cases/

Since Canada’s human trafficking laws came into effect seven years ago, police are finding the victims and perpetrators are often younger than anyone would like to believe, says a Toronto detective who specializes in prostitution cases.

Det. Mark Benallick works in Toronto’s special victims section that investigates crimes against sex workers.

“We’re finding a lot more of these occurrences where it’s younger people, under the age of 18, even 16, who are being victimized and turned out to work in the sex trade industry,” he said.
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