Groping of teenage girls article

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Groping of teenage girls article

Postby Army Of Me » Mon May 22, 2006 9:24 am

From "Metro" - a free local paper.

"Groping Ordeal of teenage girls

Nearly half of teenage firls have had their bottoms or breasts groped against their wishes, according to a new study. Twenty-six percent of 13 to 19-year olds have also been kissed when they did not want to be. More than half the incidents took place when the girls were under 14 andf 44 percent said they had been made to feel guilty for saying 'no'. The poll appears on the website of teen magazine Sugar."

I have not looked at the site yet but I am aware that this sort of teen mag (as they all seem to be nowadays) pushes sex issues at very young girls. Encouraging them to be sexual, then coming over all shocked and surprised when the girls say they have been assaulted. Fucking hypocrites.

I feel another letter coming on. I'm going to check out the site.

Update edit - checked the site - I didn't even get to the poll info mentioned above - feel quite sick now after reading the sex advice section - advice to girls as young as 12- I could't look at any more on the site. I don't normally look at mags for teenage girls, but I have heard they are quite bad, but this....I will write a letter after my nausea goes - I feel like crying. I have heard their arguments about why they include sexual matters in mags for barely legal/underage girls - they say that it should be brought out into the open and the girls would do it anyway,so they should be educated and informed so they won't end up pregnant or with aids etc. But the UK has one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in the western world, if I remember correctly. Not sure about the sti rates among teens but that's not the point.

Fucking hell.
Last edited by Army Of Me on Mon May 22, 2006 9:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Army Of Me
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Postby sunnysmiles » Mon May 22, 2006 9:44 am

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Postby sunnysmiles » Mon May 22, 2006 10:41 am

There is this attrocious game on that site - where you are supposed to throw kisses at celebrities ...
And then it tells you what an amazing job you have done at the end of the game, i.e. the more you kiss the men - the higher your points.

HOW FUCKING TELLING! No? It's such a revelation!

And how old are the men? I only recognize ONE - and that's Johnny depp - who is like 40! This mag is marketed to 12-14 yr olds - and yet you are getting points for kissing 40 yr old men!


And so as if a girl is going to say no when an older man asks to kiss her even if she doesn't want to... this magazine condones this behaviour!
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