body scanner operator caught masturbating to highschoolers

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body scanner operator caught masturbating to highschoolers

Postby bluecoat28 » Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:41 am


"Airport officials at Denver International airport were on high alert yesterday when a full body scanner operator was caught masturbating in his booth as a team of High School netball players went through the scanner."

i want to punch the inventors of this technology in the face.

also, check out the racism in the last quote: ""What do you want to do, get blown up by a goddamn Arab at 30,000 feet or we get to see your private parts? It's up to you, the ball's in your park," head of the TSA's scanning department, Rodney Schroeder, told CNN."

im dis gusted. pornography in the name of "homeland security". Damnit
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Re: body scanner operator caught masturbating to highschool girl

Postby sam » Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:25 am

Thanks for posting this.

The normalization of porn into every crevice of daily life trains men's brains to operate on a 24-hour porn-seeking loop. Many men are turned on by looking at teen girls, but the ubiquity of porn has reduced restraints to acting on those feelings. During my lifetime living in American culture, American men turned naked children into child porn and parents who photographed their young children naked have been legally harassed, jailed and forced to register on sex offender lists.

Men who have been trained to expect porn morning, noon, night, at home, at work, at play can't turn the porno conditioning off even when it's highly inappropriate and endangers their employment. The result is male politicians hunting porn during legislative sessions, male judges hunting porn during court, male SEC agents hunting porn while crooks bankrupt the country, and so on.

An article from today's Comment is Free speaks to the concept of pornosexual men increasingly, compulsively sexualizing girl children in public to the detriment of all (I chopped to the core points): ... ring-hijab

Anyone walking on the streets of Egypt will notice a phenomenon that wasn't so evident only a year ago: the increasing numbers of little girls (and by "little", I mean as young as eight years old in some cases) wearing headscarves and abayas.

In general, the age at which Muslim girls in Egypt begin to wear the scarf has dropped. Back when I was in high school, very few female students wore headscarves. Today, my younger brother (who is 15) tells me that almost all the girls in his middle school wear a scarf. It hasn't stopped there either, having caught on in primary schools.

The very sight of a little girl in a scarf is both disturbing and confusing. Adult Muslim women are expected to dress modestly so that men outside the family cannot see their bodies. But what is the point of a child or pre-pubescent girl wearing a hijab? It hints at what may be a disturbed (one is tempted to say diseased) concept of sexuality in the mind of the father who thinks his little girl should be covered up. What exactly is tempting about the body of an eight-year-old that needs to be covered?

Many defenders of the hijab point to the influence of "decadent western culture", endlessly criticising how western TV sexualises and objectifies women, though they fail to understand that they are doing they exact same thing to little girls when they constantly promote the hijab. If it is so important to cover up, there must be something worth covering up and hiding from men. Inevitably, little girls are taught to view themselves as sexual objects that must be covered up from an early age – and it is this culture permeating the minds of our younger generations.

The issue at hand is: what exactly is the point of imposing a scarf on a little girl, and why is it becoming more common?
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Re: body scanner operator caught masturbating to highschoolers

Postby MGO » Tue Nov 23, 2010 3:44 pm

"Airport officials at Denver International airport were on high alert yesterday when a full body scanner operator was caught masturbating in his booth as a team of High School netball players went through the scanner."

What a perverted creep.

This is exactly why I was against these scanners when they came out - you just do not know who is viewing the images. The images are supposed to be erased immediately after (but I believe there is a facility to save them).

If they try to scan me, I will refuse. I do not mind submitting to a full body search by a FEMALE officer in a room, fine by me. I always get to the airport well ahead of time.
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Re: body scanner operator caught masturbating to highschoolers

Postby sam » Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:24 pm

Sources close to me suggest the incident may be satire. I don't have time to investigate further right now. :tongue8:
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Re: body scanner operator caught masturbating to highschoolers

Postby bluecoat28 » Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:19 am

sam wrote:Sources close to me suggest the incident may be satire.

I hope your source is right!
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