Former Anti-Porn "feminist" Now Pro-Porn!

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Former Anti-Porn "feminist" Now Pro-Porn!

Postby fullhumanity » Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:28 am

I can't post the actual article on here because Helan Razer who is Australian,the author says on her site,Badhostess where this article by her also appears,not to reproduce without permission.But this article was recently posted on Jezebel too and it's called,Look At My Tits.She says she used to be a member of a feminist anti-violence anti-porn group,but now she loves porn because she likes to masturbate and she said Andrea Dworkin offered some useful rage and she said she won't crap on the memory of radical feminism,but her book Pornography Men Possessing Women or those Stop Porn Culture Gals in Boston is totally full of shit. :angryfire:

A male poster posted in response on her site,that he recently visited his old friend porn again and he didn't like the fact that it has changed a lot,he mentioned spitting and he said you used to only have choking in S&M but now it's in regular porn too.
If there was a 12 billion $ industry portraying blacks,and Jews to Whites and German and Christians as just sex objects to use for them,calling them hateful names,nobody would say it's liberating for them! Nor would it be so acceptable and mainstreamed!
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Re: Former Anti-Porn "feminist" Now Pro-Porn!

Postby phio gistic » Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:15 am

I read that post on Jezebelle, what a load!

"I won't crap on the memory of radical feminism" she says, and then proceeds to emit a SHIT TSUNAMI.
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Re: Former Anti-Porn "feminist" Now Pro-Porn!

Postby sam » Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:38 am

Who the fuck is Helen Razer?

(edit) I looked her up and found she is the wit behind the sentence:

As a keen internet hobbyist, I can report that one doesn't simply amble into X-rated or even R18+ material. One must actively seek it.

If that piercingly accurate observation doesn't impress you, try this:
When I am lacking culinary inspiration, I will browse a recipe database. When my writing is misfiring, I catch up with The New Yorker. And when my boudoir has become as flavourless as my writing or my food, I go to a website that propriety will not permit me to divulge.

I am very grateful for the DIY stylings of my internet teachers. And I imagine many others are grateful for the inspiration that gushes from these amateur couplings as well.

Despite the best efforts of some, there is no evidence that pornography will negatively affect me or other consenting adults.

The only lasting effect of my access to porn is a reflex giggle when the pizza delivery man knocks on my door.

It's getting crowded in Andrea Dworkin's corpse with all the journalista stilettos angling for a foothold from which to hoist themselves into pornfed BigBoy Media.
"Your orgasm can no longer dictate my oppression"

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Re: Former Anti-Porn "feminist" Now Pro-Porn!

Postby delphyne » Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:28 am

She reminds me of other assholes closer to home who pretended to be anti porn because they thought radical feminsim was an in-crowd where if you sounded like you meant it that would be enough. Then it turns out they didn't agree with anti-porn arguments and wanted to spend their time trying to undermine them and the people making them.

Had she never seen porn before she became an anti-porn feminist? If she hadn't and she didn't know whether she liked it (it seemed to come as a surprise to her), why was she against it in the first place?

That's also one of the favourite ways pro-porners have to undermine Andrea Dworkin - to pretend what she wrote is masturbatory material. They reduce her incredible work to a sex object the way in the same way men can reduce women to sex objects in order to put them down.

And to be ageist here, aren't you supposed to get over that please the boys crap ("I've got great tits!") by the time you're in your forties?
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Re: Former Anti-Porn "feminist" Now Pro-Porn!

Postby sam » Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:48 am

The woman has erased the existence of aggressive pop-ups from her internal database and is the only emailer from 2004 who wasn't sent daily spams offering "1 Night in Paris." The denial is strong with this one.
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Re: Former Anti-Porn "feminist" Now Pro-Porn!

Postby phio gistic » Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:35 pm

It seems like whenever a middle-class white woman blogger gets the guilts over wanting to watch porn or expose herself, she digs up Dworkin for a few rounds. I guess it makes them feel better, they can beat up Dworkin instead of face their own consciences. :(

There were some good responses on the Jezebel story. I don't know why they post stuff like that, I guess pointless shit-stirring and antagonism gets the pageviews.
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Re: Former Anti-Porn "feminist" Now Pro-Porn!

Postby laurelin » Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:15 pm

phio gistic wrote: I guess it makes them feel better, they can beat up Dworkin instead of face their own consciences

Presactly. A corpse can't fight back. The conscience always does.
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Re: Former Anti-Porn "feminist" Now Pro-Porn!

Postby fullhumanity » Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:50 am

delphyne wrote:She reminds me of other assholes closer to home who pretended to be anti porn because they thought radical feminsim was an in-crowd where if you sounded like you meant it that would be enough. Then it turns out they didn't agree with anti-porn arguments and wanted to spend their time trying to undermine them and the people making them.

Had she never seen porn before she became an anti-porn feminist? If she hadn't and she didn't know whether she liked it (it seemed to come as a surprise to her), why was she against it in the first place?

That's also one of the favourite ways pro-porners have to undermine Andrea Dworkin - to pretend what she wrote is masturbatory material. They reduce her incredible work to a sex object the way in the same way men can reduce women to sex objects in order to put them down.

And to be ageist here, aren't you supposed to get over that please the boys crap ("I've got great tits!") by the time you're in your forties?

:D You are *SO RIGHT* delphyne! And notice how stupid and disturbing it is that she equates liking to masturbate with using sexist woman-hating pornography,she can masturbate without doing it to sexist,woman-hating male supremacy images and supporting and legitimizing it! :angryfire: Can any of you seriously explain to me how and why any woman in her right mind(obviosly she's not!) can actually like pornography? :wtf: I know it's conditioning in the patriarchy that has created,normalized and sexualized this sick sexist,sh*t!

Also, these sick pro-porn people are total hypocrites when it comes to being against censoring pornography,but she & another one on a different site erased all of my posts with a lot of important great information on the harms of pornography,just minutes after they appeared on the sites!
If there was a 12 billion $ industry portraying blacks,and Jews to Whites and German and Christians as just sex objects to use for them,calling them hateful names,nobody would say it's liberating for them! Nor would it be so acceptable and mainstreamed!
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Re: Former Anti-Porn "feminist" Now Pro-Porn!

Postby beigesilkworm » Sun Nov 21, 2010 3:21 pm

it is painfull to see women doing such crap.I observed during my research that it is a feminist taboo to consider the idea that women can be sexist (and even worse than men).this bizarr idea is commom among brazilian feminists,that´s why porno and prostitution are not chalenged as male cruel privilegies.If women are free to to self-commodification without anyone calling their attention,how can things change? It depends on us,but as i can see,many feminists wants men to change.I imagien in your countries,teh situation migh be the same.

If we stop and think a little we will see that we don´t go far because of sexist women like this one.If the majority of women say "ok" and smile in front of such brutal hatred campaing against women,we cant do anything :? .It have been a world phenomenon.I guess we have to sit down and discuss the ways of breaking this sexist education or whatever is making women to belive to be treated less than animals is natural. :?
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Re: Former Anti-Porn "feminist" Now Pro-Porn!

Postby thebewilderness » Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:47 pm

I do not think it possible for women to be "worse than men" with regard to sexism. After all, women do not rape, abuse, and murder, women on a daily basis.
However, it is important to remember that women experience exactly the same social conditioning to view women as objects for the use of men. I suspect the feminist taboo has to do with resisting compliance with the conditioning to blame women for what men do.
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Re: Former Anti-Porn "feminist" Now Pro-Porn!

Postby beigesilkworm » Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:25 pm

thebewilderness wrote:I do not think it possible for women to be "worse than men" with regard to sexism. After all, women do not rape, abuse, and murder, women on a daily basis.
However, it is important to remember that women experience exactly the same social conditioning to view women as objects for the use of men. I suspect the feminist taboo has to do with resisting compliance with the conditioning to blame women for what men do.

Yes,they can...i had experiences that prooved that.Although women don´t rape,they monk on women that were raped and blame them,We had a case here of a women who blamed her daughther for being raped by her lover,the stepfather of the said girl.I were threated with rudness when i come up to feminists here asking for help.So,i do belive there are many cruel women who endorse sexism,if they know what they are doing or not,in my eyes makes no diffrence,the result is damaging in any way.Here are more prooves,written by an UK survivor...who is better than them to discribe how cruel some women can be? here´s the link:


in the comments:

"If feminists make excuses for the buying and selling of women and girls in the sex trade - that is one of the deepest betrayal of all.
How can anyone be named a feminist when they sell out millions of women and girls."

There are women and women around this world,and cultural differences do make a great point in this subject.Maybe you are in acountry where feminism is supported by many women but it is not the same in many other countries and i am not "inventing stories" or "taking this horrible stuff from nowhere".They are real and if you read about the situation of women in Brazil and how they accept that with a smile in their face,how they do their best to destroy other women and other bizar stuff,you will see what i mean.And yes,women do treat each other here with high hostility,leading to suicide in some cases.If we are destroying each other,how can we unite and fight sexism? If we say that´s ok,i don´t know how we wil succed in make considerable changes.
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Re: Former Anti-Porn "feminist" Now Pro-Porn!

Postby thebewilderness » Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:12 pm

I think we will have to agree to disagree. The idea that being mocked by a woman is worse than being raped by a man is contrary to my experience.
You are entitled to believe whatever you wish. In fact you and I and all of us have been conditioned to believe that women are far worse than men in every possible way at the same time women are expected to be better than men in every possible way.
When men blame us for what men do to us it is no more than we expect.
When women blame us for what men do to us it is an outrage.
Because we expect better of women.
I think it is because we never see women as people. Good, bad, and indifferent, the way we are conditioned to see men.
I see no other way to perceive a woman's lack of empathy and caring to be worse than a man's abuse.
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Re: Former Anti-Porn "feminist" Now Pro-Porn!

Postby andromache » Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:07 am

Men have power. Women do not.

Men are against us and it isn't surprising--but when women turn on us we are betrayed. Does that make women worse? No. Does it make them responsible? No. Does it hurt a lot more sometimes? Yes. For me, anyway.

My uncle took me to a hotel room when I was a kid and you can guess what happened. He did what would be expected.

Recently he moved to town and I told my mom what happened because I have several little sisters. My mom did what would be expected--alternates between implying I'm a liar and that I'm responsible for it. My whole family either ignores it or criticizes me--they go so far as to imply that he needs support because of my ridiculous allegations.

Who is responsible for what my uncle did? He is. What hurts more? A lot of the time, my mom's dismissal.

But I continue to direct my anger at my uncle. It would be easier to misdirect it at my mom. And it would be easier to get mad at pro-porn women instead of those truly responsible--sometimes I do. I'm no feminist saint and I do get drunk and call them stupid cunts sometimes. Oh well. You can only take so much.

Remember the crawdads in a bucket. When one starts to climb up the side, the others pull it back down.

I've done my share of porno, even though the money's long gone, and I've looked at my share of porn, too, so go ahead and use me as a scapegoat if you like--I've betrayed the flourishing sisterhood and I'm an agent of the patriarchy. You can even send me angry messages. I know why it hurts, so get your horizontal hostility out of your system whenever it makes you an ineffective activist. Then move on.
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Re: Former Anti-Porn "feminist" Now Pro-Porn!

Postby thebewilderness » Fri Nov 26, 2010 2:50 pm

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Re: Former Anti-Porn "feminist" Now Pro-Porn!

Postby MGO » Fri Nov 26, 2010 3:57 pm

thebewilderness wrote:In fact you and I and all of us have been conditioned to believe that women are far worse than men in every possible way at the same time women are expected to be better than men in every possible way.
When men blame us for what men do to us it is no more than we expect.
When women blame us for what men do to us it is an outrage.
Because we expect better of women.
I think it is because we never see women as people. Good, bad, and indifferent, the way we are conditioned to see men.

Yes, women are held to impossible levels of goodness and saintliness, and that expectation is doomed to failure at the outset. The expectations for men are a lot, lot lower. Possibly down around the 'don't fart in public' but even that seems to be waivered.

The media plays its part in the distortion too. If a woman is involved in crimes, usually with one or more men, the focus is on her, her and her. Yet, with most of these crimes, we rarely see a woman alone committing them - there is almost always a male involved. (Killing one's abusive spouse aside, and that is downright justified). The media bias in reporting women's "horrific" crimes has to be realised when they can only trot out the same half-dozen names over and over again, to "prove" how "evil" women are. Myra Hindley - did not work alone, yet we never hear of her partner Ian Brady, who was probably the more active of the pair. Fred and Rosemary West - it was him that was the primary, certainly she went along, but she also has sub-standard IQ. The recent case of the nursery worker taking photos of children in the nursery - sure, she took the photos, but ALWAYS forwarded those photos to her boyfriend (it was obviously to please him, and for his gratification). Yet all these women are Evil Incarnate. The media jump on these stories because there are so few women doing these crimes, and they milk these stories for years and years, which proves how very few there actually are. Men do the same and worse every day, and it does not always get reported. So no. Until the media can trot out dozens and equal numbers of women doing the same abuses, women are NOT as bad as men.

Another reason why women are not as supportive of female victims of rape and incest is that they are trained to only see "stranger danger" by society. And that it would be "obvious" what a rapist or paedophile would look like. The fact that almost all of them look like "normal men" instead of some Jack the Ripper characterture, becomes unbelievable. The fact that most perps are known to them (like family members, family friends, ministers etc) instead of "strangers" is also unbelievable, from what they have been taught. These reasons are probably the main ones why women have trouble believing victims. The deeper issue is that men they trust, are untrustworthy.

Sorry to hear of your abuse and problems with your mother believing you, andromache. Research some local stats on rape and incest for your mother, showing that the perps are most likely someone the victim knows, rather than a stranger, and perhaps your mother may come around. :nicehug3:
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Re: Former Anti-Porn "feminist" Now Pro-Porn!

Postby beigesilkworm » Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:36 pm

thebewilderness wrote:I think we will have to agree to disagree. The idea that being mocked by a woman is worse than being raped by a man is contrary to my experience.
You are entitled to believe whatever you wish. In fact you and I and all of us have been conditioned to believe that women are far worse than men in every possible way at the same time women are expected to be better than men in every possible way.
When men blame us for what men do to us it is no more than we expect.
When women blame us for what men do to us it is an outrage.
Because we expect better of women.
I think it is because we never see women as people. Good, bad, and indifferent, the way we are conditioned to see men.
I see no other way to perceive a woman's lack of empathy and caring to be worse than a man's abuse.

Thaks God i am not a survivor...and don´t get offended easily...i just know that abuse is always abuse,what appears is the result in the end,and honestly i would like to know where i said that a rape is worse than being mocked by women;in any moment i write that.Sorry,but you are distorcing my posts to start an unecessary fight.I am just saying that women can be as sexist as men,and yes,they make demages with their sexism as well,you can perfecatlyy read that in theat survivour blog,but as i could see,you prorbabily ignored the link to post an "agressive" replay.Besides,nobody has tolerance for racism,homophoby but sexism is tolerated and racionalized when it comes from women.Honestly,i doubt if feminism is efficient nowadays if women can´t be called attention to change their minds.Well,as you said,anyone is entiled to belive in what s/he wishes,so if you wish to assume that the entire world is like UK or USA,feel free to think so.

Andromache,That is really a terrible story,i hope you will be able to get support.Unfortunally i am still without financial conditions to create my supportative group,but i am happy that the Catw-Lac branch nomiated me as national director for Brasil,and in a nearby future,we will make justice for people who suffer the same than you.Thanks God our justice force here is imparcial,mothers/stepmothers who refuse to belive their abused daughthers/sons are arrested toghether with the abuser.We are for the victim,not for ideologies.Abd yes,there are women who make reports,who kill the abusers to defend their children,so it is more than fair to arrested crime supporters,no matter their gender.
peace for you :nicehug3: :ghugs:
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Re: Former Anti-Porn "feminist" Now Pro-Porn!

Postby thebewilderness » Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:00 pm

You said :I observed during my research that it is a feminist taboo to consider the idea that women can be sexist (and even worse than men).

then I said: I do not think it possible for women to be "worse than men" with regard to sexism. After all, women do not rape, abuse, and murder, women on a daily basis.

Then you said: Yes,they can...i had experiences that prooved that.Although women don´t rape,they monk on women that were raped and blame them,

This is the exchange I was referring to.
If you read back through your posts you will find that you did indeed say what you said.
I thought myself to be trying to sort out a misunderstanding rather than picking a fight.

Thaks God i am not a survivor...and don´t get offended easily...

I thank God that I am a survivor, and that I am not offended easily either.
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Re: Former Anti-Porn "feminist" Now Pro-Porn!

Postby andromache » Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:33 pm

beigesilkworm wrote:
Andromache,That is really a terrible story,i hope you will be able to get support.Unfortunally i am still without financial conditions to create my supportative group,but i am happy that the Catw-Lac branch nomiated me as national director for Brasil,and in a nearby future,we will make justice for people who suffer the same than you.Thanks God our justice force here is imparcial,mothers/stepmothers who refuse to belive their abused daughthers/sons are arrested toghether with the abuser.

No, THAT is fucking terrible. If your idea of justice is bottom feeding and perverting power relations to appear effective and radical, I certainly wouldn't want any of it. Leave my mother alone, leave my grandmother alone, leave my sisters alone, leave me alone. I hope the next nominee has patience, empathy, and a basic grasp of patriarchy. Way to take a survivor's story and warp it to suit your needs. Women are not responsible for men's abuse.
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Re: Former Anti-Porn "feminist" Now Pro-Porn!

Postby delphyne » Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:06 pm

beigesilkworm wrote:i am happy that the Catw-Lac branch nomiated me as national director for Brasil,

Is that the Coalition against trafficking in women that you're a director of beigesilkworm? That's quite surprising if you want to hold women equally responsible for men's crimes and aren't aware that men inflict the vast majority of violence and atrocities and killing in this world.
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