An ex-prostitute responds to rapist Oregon cop conviction

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An ex-prostitute responds to rapist Oregon cop conviction

Postby sam » Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:44 am

Prostitution: Beaverton case reveals old attitudes

http://www.oregonlive .com/opinion/index.ssf/2010/07/prostitution_beaverton_case_re.html

Twenty-one years ago I walked away from a pimp after being forced to walk 82nd Avenue in the summer of 1989. I'd been stabbed and left for dead after a drug-crazed john attacked me in an attempt to rob me of my night's earnings.

Today I work for the city of Portland as a neighborhood program coordinator managing a successful program designed to increase civic engagement in communities of color and immigrant refugee populations.

It was a hard road to become who I am today, and it would have never been possible without significant investments made in me by many wonderful caring people who make up the Portland community. I became an organizer for workers' rights to remove toxic chemicals in the workplace; I co-founded the Urban Workers' Union; chaired Jobs with Justice; and became executive director of the Environmental Justice Action Group.

So while the first half of my life was spent trying to survive a lot of domestic violence and injustice, I have spent the second half learning about things like fairness, justice and equity.

When I look at the story of the Beaverton police officer who was sentenced to 30 months in prison after he pleaded guilty to soliciting sex from two prostitutes while on duty, I'm not sure his case is as much of an anomaly as his attorney alludes to. In my former life, I knew of this practice happening with some police officers on the beat.

Understanding power dynamics and the clear oppressive nature of the crimes this officer committed, why did the police department wait a month to divulge the information?

The Oregonian's June 30 story reported, "Authorities did not consider (Officer Joshua) Jensen a threat to the community for the month that he was not in custody because he was immediately placed on administrative leave without his uniform, badge and gun, said Beaverton Police Chief Geoff Spalding."

This young man broke the law he was charged to uphold, and in at least one case he forced himself on one of the women. Had he raped someone, would we wait 30 days to report that? Was he not a threat to the community because, after all, these were only prostituted women? Or was he not considered a threat because he was a police officer? Detectives who investigated the case considered sodomy and sexual abuse, but the prosecutor said bringing those charges required evidence of "forcible compulsion." Jensen wound up pleading guilty to less serious crimes of prostitution, official misconduct and coercion.

Legal definitions aside, how is forcing someone to perform a sex act different from rape? Either way, this is what scares people the most -- seeing that those in charge of protecting all of us perceive and treat some folks differently.

I was discouraged that the judge evidently saw the officer's crime as related to sexual addiction. This person abused his power and forced himself on someone -- that's rape from where I sit. Do we send rapists to sex addiction 12-step meetings? I think it might be more serious than that.

Nearly all prostitution includes an incredible amount of violence. We need to look at this not as an isolated incident of poor judgment but as an epidemic. The average age of a newly prostituted girl in Portland is 12. This is not a victimless crime. The victims range from the women themselves to the families of all, both victims and offenders.

Last week, I was among those who testified before the Multnomah County commissioners, who along with City Commissioners Dan Saltzman and Amanda Fritz had gathered to proclaim July as Human Trafficking Awareness Month in Multnomah County and the city of Portland.

I believe we are moving in the right direction to address the issue of human trafficking here in our communities. I also believe that effort begins with all of us seeing the victims of the sex trade as human beings, worthy of respect and dignity.

Jeri Sundvall-Williams lives in North Portland. To learn more about human trafficking, see
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Re: An ex-prostitute responds to rapist Oregon cop conviction

Postby nuclearnight » Tue Jul 06, 2010 5:46 pm

Thanks for sharing.

What can we do about this? There's been a lot of organizing against police brutality in Portland recently. I think bringing this forward as another case of police brutality may be something worthwhile. Not only are the police killing unarmed young black men, mentally disabled people, but now they can get away with raping women? When will it end?
"Men cannot rape their wives.
Men cannot kill their wives.
They passion them to death."

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