Got something to share with the reading public that isn't an action but should be read?

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Postby fullhumanity » Fri May 28, 2010 7:33 pm


Rhea Becker from the sadly former Women's Alliance Against Pornography Education Project in Cambridge,back in January 1993 sent me many cartoons from Playboy and Penthouse of women being sexually harassed,used and sexually servicing their male bosses in the work place and they are horrible! I spoke with her off and on on the phone from November 1990-January 1993 I still have a note from her from December 1990 on the stationary that says on top The Wom :angryfire: en's Alliance Against Pornography Education Project and she says here is the information you requested,and she tells me to read Pornography And Sexual Aggression by psychologists Ed Donnerstein and Neil Malamuth,and The Messe Commision report but not the recommendations, and I still have all of the great information on the harms of pornography she sent me,I had asked her to send me anything she had) I asked her are the men raping the women in the cartoons? She said yeah they are all different things,and that I would have to see for myself and she said they are pretty bad.

She was *so right*! The Women's Alliance Against Pornography put their own captions under the cartoons, under a Penthouse cartoon of a man saying to his boss,who is holding a photocopy of just a woman's huge breasts with no head,"This is my Christmas bonus? A xerox photo of your secretary's t*ts?" The Women's Alliance Against Pornography wrote that Porn reduces women to the make-up of her body parts.

The Women's Alliance Against Pornography wrote that Men are threatened by the concept of women's equality under a Penthouse cartoon of a woman sitting on top of a phallic type nuclear warhead sucking on it with her legs open grasped around the tip of it,and The Penthouse caption has a man in a uniform talking to another man,saying,"Miss Oppenhawn,the newest member of our staff is a nuclear warhead specialist."

The Women's Alliance Against Pornography wrote that Porn teaches men that the only way of succeeding is by prostituting herself thereby removing the threat of equality.They wrote this under a Penthouse cartoon of a woman journalist with her hand in a man's pants, and the Penthouse caption said,"Here I am again folks,out scooping those male journalists by interviewing an otherwise unapproachable diplomat.I suppose you're all wondering how I do it."Another from Playboy has a female employee with an upset humiliated expression on her face standing in front of her male boss's desk with papers in her hand that she's leaning on his desk, and the male boss says to her,"I had the most asmusing dream last night.Miss Grant-I dreamed you performed an unnatural sex act upon me."

Another Penthouse cartoon shows a woman standing outside of her boss's office with the word President on the door and she's talking to another woman,her co-worker and she has a huge candy cain stuck in her backside,and she says to her co-worker,"I guess you can't expect much of a Chrstmas Bonus this year."The Women's Alliance Against Pornography wrote under this,Pornography elicits contempt for women.

A cartoon from Playboy had a male boss with an angry expression on his face barricading a woman employee on her desk with both of his arms around her,and she's leaning away from him with a screaming upset expression on her face.The Women's Alliance Against Pornography included this cartoon under their heading,Pornography elicits contempt for women.

Another Playboy cartoon has a woman military officer looking upset and humiliated standing with two male military officers while one of them cuts her uniform off into pieces and she's nude.There are other women military officers standing further in the backround on the side.The Playboy caption says,"Usually we just cut off the buttons."

Another from Penthouse has a male news caster sitting at a news desk reporting the news with a woman with big breasts in a low cut top sitting next to him.Penthouse's caption has the male news caster saying, "Chet Carey here bringing you the news along with Miss Clover to provide relief by displaying her t*ts."Another Penthouse cartoon has male doctors operating on a patient,while only a woman's lower part of her body and legs are shown under one of the male doctors clothes,and their caption has him saying,"More suction".

The Women's Alliance Against Pornography wrote under these that Woman's only attributes are in her sexuality.Another cartoon from Penthouse has a nude big busted woman in bed with her male boss,and he's smoking his after sex cigarette and she says,"Incidentally,I'm sorry I turned you in at the office for sexual harassment!"

Another from Playboy has a male boss sitting behind a desk with a sign up behind him that says,Last-Minute Suggestions and his female employee is walking away holding a folder in her hand with an upset expression on her face,and she says,"*Please* Mr.Fergusen! You can keep those last minute suggestions to yourself!."

In 1994 Psychiatrist Linnea Smith sent me two huge folders of important research and information on the harms of pornography(she thanked me for my important efforts educating people on the harms of porn,and she said it's especially difficult because the public is desensitized,and the media is reluctant to criticize other media,especially sexually explicit media) back when I wrote her and told her about my experience as a big busted beautiful 13 year old girl being molested by teen boys who used Playboy and how they even made references to the women in it and how one of the boys shoved a pornographic magazine into my face and said,here's a picture of a girl fingering herself.Included in the research Dr.Smith sent me was other Playboy cartoons of women being sexually harassed on the job by their male bosses.Dr.Smith wrote on top of this photocopied page which has these cartoons on both sides, Job Harassment Sexual Harassment In The Workplace Has Been For Years A Popular Them For Cartoons In *Playboy* Magazine.

Playboy also promoted child sex abuse, including ,gang rapes of women and children,incest, and sexual murders of women and children as normal and as jokes in thousands of cartoons,articles and even some pictures for over 30 years!
If there was a 12 billion $ industry portraying blacks,and Jews to Whites and German and Christians as just sex objects to use for them,calling them hateful names,nobody would say it's liberating for them! Nor would it be so acceptable and mainstreamed!
antiporn star
Posts: 314
Joined: Sat Apr 16, 2005 2:25 am


Postby fullhumanity » Fri Jul 09, 2010 3:44 am

One of these Playboy cartoons is of an overweight male boss with his female employee with an upset expression on her face trying to push him away and the caption has him saying,"Ms Beasly why are you resisting I voted for the ERA."(the Equal Rights Amendment that was never passed).Another has a male boss in his office saying to his female employee,You want equality? Next time we'll do it on your desk."
If there was a 12 billion $ industry portraying blacks,and Jews to Whites and German and Christians as just sex objects to use for them,calling them hateful names,nobody would say it's liberating for them! Nor would it be so acceptable and mainstreamed!
antiporn star
Posts: 314
Joined: Sat Apr 16, 2005 2:25 am

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