New research says prostitutes attack johns twice as much

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New research says prostitutes attack johns twice as much

Postby sam » Sun Nov 29, 2009 1:05 pm

1.9% of johns admitted to physically attacking prostitutes.
4% of johns said they had been physically assaulted by prostitutes.

http://www2.canada .com/vancouvercourier/news/opinion/story.html?id=c8635c5c-fe88-4b93-993d-9fdd775d002b

Forum paints pretty picture of men who buy sex
SFU instructor details litany of offences perpetrated by prostitutes on johns
Mark Hasiuk, Special to Vancouver Courier
Published: Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Last Monday evening, deep inside the bowels of the Vancouver Public Library's central branch at Homer and Georgia, more than 100 people packed into a modest-sized conference room for a public forum about men who buy sex, also known as johns.

While longstanding problems in Vancouver, the issues of prostitution and human trafficking have come under increased scrutiny as the 2010 Winter Olympics draw near. A movement, led by feminist and church groups, want to help women escape the indignity, drug addiction, abuse and death endemic to the sex trade.

But inside the library conference room last Monday, there was no such talk.

This was the realm of legalization advocates.

FIRST, an organization bent on removing all Criminal Code violations relating to the sex trade, staged the event and packed the speaker's list with kindred spirits.

From a lectern at the front of the room, event emcee Scarlett Lake, the bleach blond 50-something owner of Scarlett's House escort service, introduced a familiar cast of local advocates who trumped the virtues of legalization.

However, the evening's star attraction was Chris Atchison, a sociology instructor at Simon Fraser University and founder of John's Voice, a study of men who buy sex.

Tall and fresh-faced, wearing a striped sweater over a collared shirt, Atchison looks more like a fraternity brother than a university instructor.

But during a three-year period, he recruited--through online chatrooms and word of mouth--922 men for a survey and interview study on the sex trade.

The results, he said, "shattered the mythology of the sex buyer as degenerate, violent and disease-spreading" and revealed a kind, gentle community of men looking for companionship.

"It's not about getting off," said Atchison. "It's having someone to connect with."

Throughout his 20-minute PowerPoint presentation, Atchison unfurled a stream of statistics and percentages gleaned from his 922 study participants.

According to his data, only two per cent of participants told Atchison they robbed a prostitute. Additionally, a mere 1.9 per cent admitted to physical attacks, and a minuscule one per cent fessed up to a rape. (That's 9.22 confessed rapists, in case you're keeping score.)

"But what about the other 98 per cent?" asked Atchison, with his hands held high in the air.

Atchison's baffling logic subdued the once lively crowd. Even the hardened pro-prostitution supporters looked on quietly as his applause lines fell flat.

He made no mention of pimps or drugs or the horror of the Pickton farm, yet detailed the litany of offences perpetrated by prostitutes on johns.

According to his data, 18 per cent of johns had been verbally abused, 14 per cent had been robbed and four per cent had been physically assaulted by prostitutes.

In conclusion, Atchison left onlookers to ponder one final statistic--a whopping 43 per cent of johns paid for services they never received.

After thanking Atchison and returning to the lectern, Scarlett Lake stamped the SFU instructor with her seal of approval.

"Those longstanding stereotypes are, yeah, in the toilet. Thanks again, Chris."

While each speaker received polite applause at the end of their presentation, dissenting voices existed in the crowd.

During a lull in the action, Marc Lawrence, a 54-year-old construction worker, disputed Atchison's claims that johns seek companionship above all else.

"Most guys, the older they get, the younger women they want," said Lawrence, a tall imposing figure with a black goatee and matching leather jacket. "They just want to get their rocks off."

Lawrence says he used to use prostitutes but doesn't anymore. "It's too much of a con game," he said, attributing prostitution's popularity to the frustrations of modern man. "They're pissed off at the feminist movement and women being so pushy."

Two rows away, seated among her fellow Douglas College criminology students, Joanna Shultz had a different take.

The forum, a class trip, was part of her ongoing study of prostitution and human trafficking. She recently wrote a paper critical of legalization and promotes the widely praised Swedish model of decriminalization, which targets pimps and johns.

"If it's legalized it could lead to more trafficking," said the bright-eyed 24-year-old. "Especially procuring, because that means people could convince other people to get involved."

When asked about the forum speakers, she furrowed her brow and smiled before choosing her words diplomatically. "We need more programs to help people have more options so they don't feel they have to enter prostitution."
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Re: New research says prostitutes attack johns twice as much

Postby berryblade » Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:02 pm

"It's not about getting off," said Atchison. "It's having someone to connect with."

Do these people actually believe this bullshit?

According to his data, only two per cent of participants told Atchison they robbed a prostitute. Additionally, a mere 1.9 per cent admitted to physical attacks, and a minuscule one per cent fessed up to a rape. (That's 9.22 confessed rapists, in case you're keeping score.)

Oh well, as long as they say that they haven't hurt anyone or raped anyone, I guess that's good enough. Cos you know, rapists and abusers of womyn LOVE being honest and open about what they do, what they think and how many womyn they've hurt. { / sarcasm }

Holy shit.
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Re: New research says prostitutes attack johns twice as much

Postby delphyne » Tue Dec 01, 2009 9:47 am

I can't believe they actually did this in Vancouver. That would be Vancouver where a scumbag john went on a killing spree for years against prostituted women, where he initially admitted to 49 murders and where dozens more women were missing.

It's like Holocaust deniers showing up at Auschwitz to say that it was the Jews who were mean to the Nazis.
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Re: New research says prostitutes attack johns twice as much

Postby sam » Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:05 am

Sex workers defend buyers
By Shadi Elien
http://www.straight .com/article-272070/vancouver/sex-workers-defend-buyers

Veteran sex worker Susan Davis wants people to know that her “clients aren’t the bogeymen they are made out to be”.

“I love what I do,” Davis told the Georgia Straight in an interview at the Vancouver Public Library’s central branch. “I think the guys are the best; a lot of them are my friends. Some I’ve known for 18 years. How do you not become emotionally attached?”

Davis, who has been in the business for 23 years, insisted that stability and security for sex workers can only come with decriminalization of prostitution.

FIRST, a national coalition of feminists who support sex workers’ rights, hosted a lively forum on the subject at the library on November 23. Davis, who was on the panel, suggested that men who buy sex can actually help enhance the safety of those in the trade.

“I think that clients are our biggest resource in trying to combat exploitation, trafficking, and exploitation of youth within the sex industry,” declared Davis, a member of the West Coast Cooperative of Sex Industry Professionals, in the interview.

Another panellist, SFU sociology instructor and researcher Chris Atchison, echoed Davis’s sentiments. He revealed the results of an extensive three-year study—called “Johns’ Voice”—that documents the relationship between buyers and sellers of sex in Canada.

“I wanted to understand how these men engage in purchasing behaviour and what their relationships with sex-trade workers are about,” Atchison told the audience. “I wanted to know whether social and legal intervention such as the Swedish model is warranted by any empirical evidence.”

Atchison was referring to a Swedish law introduced in 1999 that criminalized johns’ purchasing of sexual services, but not the sale of those services by prostitutes. At the forum, organizers screened a 10-minute video that showed many Swedish sex workers are unhappy with the law. One sex worker featured in the video claimed that things have become much more dangerous for street workers, since they no longer have as much time to negotiate with their customers.

Atchison was critical of the Swedish law. The men he spoke to were seeking companionship and a connection with the sex workers they patronized, he said, adding that they wanted to engage in a safe and respectful relationship. He also reported that many customers saw the same sex worker for months or years, and that 79 percent said they wished to see prostitution decriminalized and regulated.

“I’m not here to present a picture of the sex buyer as some wonderful guy or say that they are all great, salt-of-the-earth people,” he said.

The “Johns’ Voice” project showed that between one and two percent of clients have been brutally violent toward a sex worker. Those are the people the law must address, according to Atchison.

Jody Salerno, a former sex worker and the director of women’s services for the B.C./Yukon Society of Transition Houses, told the audience that the men who paid her for sex were not criminals or violent. “They wanted to share my time and have consensual sex,” she said. “If men who pay for sex are criminalized, sex workers are unsafe.”

She emphasized that anyone—including sex workers—who commits acts of violence against women, children, youth, or men should be arrested and prosecuted. “When sex workers are victims of criminal acts, treat them with dignity and respect,” Salerno said.

Toronto author and investigative journalist Victor Malarek, a staunch critic of legalizing the sex trade, told the Straight in an interview earlier this year that about 90 percent of prostitutes worldwide are not doing this work by choice. “Rather than deal with the drugs, the mental-health issues, the physical-health issues, what led these women away from their reserves and put them on the streets, the only thing these bozos [proponents of legalization] can come up with is to keep them in something they never wanted in their lives in the first place,” Malarek said.
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Re: New research says prostitutes attack johns twice as much

Postby sam » Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:41 am

delphyne, I flip flop over which aspect of the Grand Guignol skewers my eyeballs worst, but your perspective is the frontrunner for the minute.
One sex worker featured in the video claimed that things have become much more dangerous for street workers, since they no longer have as much time to negotiate with their customers.

I really, really don't understand why nonviolent johns would suddenly get violent over 'negotiations'. If many johns are this hair-trigger violent then there were never many nonviolent johns in the first place, and if exceptionally few johns get more violent when negotiating prices then it's overblown fearmongering.

My best guess is the prostitute-as-victim meme has strong emotional pull so it can't be an abandoned strategy BUT pimps and slavery are supposedly rare BUT johns are supposedly 98% sweethearts, so that leaves hanging the blame for rape and murder of prostitutes onto people who object to prostitution. Representative quote from representative Susan Davis, who blames Melissa Farley for when men kill:"i challenge miss farely to justify her trip to vancouver, the subsequent raids and the harms/deaths it has caused."
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Re: New research says prostitutes attack johns twice as much

Postby sam » Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:29 am

Susan Davis is an anti-prostitution activist but she doesn't know it.

Her blaming of women for when men rape is akin to men who say in olde tymes men used to be kind and chivalrous to women, but then feminists came along and ruined paradise so now men rape and thing-ize women in retaliation to feminism. I once had to drop a man friend of many years from my life when he blamed feminist women for making men rape because we said things that turned gentlemen into rapists.

It's the other side of the coin to the societal belief that prostitution reduces rape because prostitutes can make gentlemen out of rapists. Men love whores and hate feminists, so whores are the source of men's goodness and feminists are the source of men's badness. ... bc-current

in vancouver, no bar, club or restaurant may "tolerate the presence of a prostitute of person of evil repute" as a result of a very moraly worded by law whcih drove us out of the bars onto the street.

these places did exist here but the abolitionists destroyed our safe work environents and created an environment of desperation in which women, workers, must compete for business by doing quickies- blo 'n go spepcials - and offering unsafe services such as bare back blow jobs.

so if you want some one to blame, it's not the comsumers. it's the abolitionists.
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Re: New research says prostitutes attack johns twice as much

Postby delphyne » Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:39 am

So are there a whole lot of abolitionists demanding bare-back blow jobs from prostituted or is it actually THE PUNTERS?

The logic is just so twisted. When one of these abused women is being forced to undertake an act she does not want to do, is she supposed to ignore the man (consumer!) who has put himself inside her body in a way she she finds appalling, and instead cast her mind back to the abolitionists who made him make that demand on her and then forced him to act upon it?

FFS. :evil:

The whole basis for their outlook is "boys will be boys". Boys will always abuse women and there's nothing they can or want to do about it, so instead they have to search around for someone else to blame for prostituted women's agony and abuse. Anti-prostitution advocates fit that bill perfectly.

Brilliant observation about the belief that prostituted women make men good Sam, whilst feminists turn them evil.
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Re: New research says prostitutes attack johns twice as much

Postby sam » Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:45 am

Unfortunately, Susan can always find some stooges with simmering resentments to argue that blaming feminists for men's rapes is a valid expression of feminist thought and not MRA insanity flowing from a woman's mouth. If they genuinely saw Susan as an equal human instead of a broken creature to coddle they would react to her blaming women for men's violence the same way they would when anyone else tries that woman-hating gambit. ... ack-part-2

babble poster "remind" is fighting the good fight.

No....frankly, she attacked feminists and women, and indeed I find her words slanderous, as well as giving those men who hurt women an excuse or reason to say it is not their fault. Or actually by saying such a false thing, she gives them, the abusers, license to keep on doing it.

Men who hurt woman, no matter what the woman does for a living, are to blame for hurting said woman, not someone else. Full stop.

It is not abolitionists who are to blame for women in sex work who get hurt and killed, and saying so is an attack and slander.

Feminists do not blame other women, and/or feminists in my feminist world at least, especially when men are the perps of violence against us, just as we do not blame victims of any type.
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