Father takes his 11 year old son to Hooters - blogs about it

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Father takes his 11 year old son to Hooters - blogs about it

Postby delphyne » Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:48 am



A good reminder though of how much pornification, objectification and hatred of women is passed on by fathers to sons. That's one of the parts of our culture that is kept fairly secret most of the time.

His son seems to be the more realistic and sensible member of the family, saying as they were walking out - “That was messed up.”
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Re: Father takes his 11 year old son to Hooters - blogs about it

Postby delphyne » Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:23 am

Just gonna copy this gem over here for posterity. In amongst the morons who think what this guy did was a great idea and proves how unuptight he is about sex (just like the Europeans!) there was Glenn, who tells it like it really is:

Tits and asses accentuated in suggestive clothing, along with bad food, served by “girls” who enjoy serving it all up to you is fun and all so natural? Hey, let’s get the testimony of “the girls” to reassure ourselves that they want and like to serve their breasts and asses along with that bad Hooter’s food to wing-eating, sex loving patrons. Yum yum yum little boys and little girls. Learning about sex has never been more natural then when taken to a Hooter’s family oriented restaurant with all those “girls’ being fun and “beautiful” in hopes you leave a big tip for her college fund. Is there a how-to manual for “the Hooter’s girls’ explaining how to extract big tips for services rendered?

Now little boys and little girls, let’s go checkout “the sexy server boys” and bulging “Tooter” in not so discrete clothes while wearing his sexy, how may I serve you? smile. Not going to happen because we aren’t into that kind of education. How would these boys measure up? Are you understanding your sexuality, yet, children? Oh, come on! Daddy loves taking your mommy and you kids to get photographed with one of “the boys” with his oversized (frequently artificially enhanced) dick and hard ass serving it up in his hot pants and wife beater T-shirt so he can get a big tip from you for his college education. The whole family should enjoy watching daddy deal with his homosexual thoughts and trying to pretend THAT isn’t happening. Think of all the sexual learning daddy can’t deal with while sheepishly looking at sexualized young male anatomy while sucking on his bad tasting wings. If women (wives, girlfriends daughters, etc) enjoy dissecting and evaluating “girls” on their breasts and behinds right along with men, then, the men should stop pretending to be homophobic and demanding an equal opportunity for sexual education of boys and girls concerning sexualized male anatomy. “Beautiful” is “beautiful” no matter what sex you are. Judging a person’s beauty is so clearly based on sexualized body parts. Teaching your daughters to see boys and men as sexy body parts should be the continuation of our definition of natural sex. Boys should be able to know a good-looking sexy “boy” and who better to teach this then dad. He knows all about teaching sexuality concerning “girls” and being the open-minded dad…. go for it dad. Or is this mom’s department? She wants her son to know how to please his partner someday, sexually speaking, of course, because if he gets the sexual charades down, he’ll know how to help with the laundry, dishes and be emotionally mature. Mom or a hooker can teach this readily.

To all you concerned people who worry about rape, child molestation, eating disorders, mommies (and daddies) getting their daughters artificial breasts so their daughters are popular, too, and shallow females trying to please random males with their bodies while being pitted against other females for the momentary “sexual glory” of it all…. stop raining on everyone’s parade! This is America. Morality shouldn’t be discussed, that is only for those non-sexual puritan church-goers, not for the liberal fun-loving free thinkers who ALL know a good public sexual experience when they have one. And hey, everybody’s doing it. It must be okay. Even mommies condone it. Remember, “the girls’ like it, too. They get to better themselves through our good tips and appreciation of their assets. We support them in every way, everyday, folks.
And hey, there is way worse on T.V. etc.
And hey, we can justified any and all of our immature thinking and behaviors. If someone disagrees, insult them and shout “em down.

Rape isn’t instigated by, first and foremost dehumanizing females, (yes, males are getting it, too) and those statistics are only some inflated numbers not real people, so it doesn’t matter. Rape is for those real bad haters, not us who know what real sex is. We’re just enjoying the view. We don’t ever act on it nor are we going to take any damn responsibility for those nuts who go too far. Scoping it out is fun and women who are offended are uptight bitches trying to control us red blooded men.
Child molestation has nothing to do with dehumanizing children for all that free fun sex. Stripper poles and throngs for 5 years old? Why not? Old men getting off on young Hooters’ babes is normal. So what, if they have daughters older than the “serving it up with a smile Hooters’ girls”?
Eating disorders are for those people that are trying to “get attention” not the sexy females trying “to get noticed because they have “the right stuff” and need to be reminded by us guys. Yeah, sure, too bad about chicks ruining their lives or dying. Don’t think of them when there is so much out there to enjoy.
Mommies (and daddies) love their daughters so much and know they need bigger breasts to succeed in life to be well-adjusted women in this society. Health issues? Who the hell says that happens? IT IS SO DAMN SAFE! Just ask anyone.

Girls want boys and men to determine their sexual worth based on their bodies. In fact, their general overall worth, since that is what we value most in our “girls”. The advertisers, Hollywood, T.V., video games, billboards, magazines, store merchandise, radio, internet and hot babes displayed for us everywhere reminds us this is all so natural. So fun.

So, men, what do you do if you disagree? What if you know it has nothing to do with being an uptight religious person because you are a non-believer? What if you think it would be better for boys and men to be able to relate to other people who develop a brain and a personality and think sex doesn’t belong in any and all public forums? Why should the immature men and women mandate that we all, including our children, tolerate those men who love females to be on “sexual”display constantly for their childish rationalizations of what sex is?
All of you that love to have a meal with masturbation on the brain while slurping on your wings, with your wife and/or kids in tow, have a retarded notion of sex and sexuality. Showing your kids how the lower element of our over-sexualized nation “does it” brings in to question your own maturation. Gluttony and crudeness are easily justified and one never has to consider those who are paying the price for your fun. After all, you aren’t a rapist, child molester, etc. You don’t perpetuate this stupidity that defines a women. Crush all conversation when someone questions your ethics. Or fun.

Some of us know you are a destructive force in our society and we know that we will not become inhibited and no fun or unnatural if you can’t have your way on your own terms but quite the opposite is true. You are far removed from natural and fun. An orgy at all times and all places is your motto and anyone who challenges you must be disrespected. You want us muzzled. Those of us who see the damage you are causing to our children and everyone’s relationships, in general, are sick of you dictating what is correct for everyone. You have your obsessive idea of what sex is everywhere, in every corner of the public (even wanting it while being served crappy food), and it is shoved in everyone’s faces and we have the right to not have the public forum ruled by your dictatorship of what is fair to all. You have had your way far too long and it is time for you to shut up and listen to others who have something worthwhile to say. IF your need is for multiple sexual images, take it home and get it out of our faces so we can get back to what is really natural. Let our children be children without dads thinking they should take their children (boys) to an eatery for a cheap thrill.
Let our young men learn manners and respect toward women while learning to speaking out against this misogynistic culture. ENOUGH. Grow up.
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Re: Father takes his 11 year old son to Hooters - blogs about it

Postby Megann » Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:55 pm

Damn that is a really solid response. Is that posted on a blog somewhere?
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Re: Father takes his 11 year old son to Hooters - blogs about it

Postby delphyne » Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:03 pm

It's in the responses on the same blog.
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