intentionally horrifying Details article

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intentionally horrifying Details article

Postby oneangrygirl » Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:22 am

Don't eat before reading this, because you might puke.
Found this at the barbershop while awaiting my haircut. It is so utterly devoid of an alternate viewpoint that I'm assuming it's intentional.
I will write a letter to Details today, not that it will change their minds.
Forget awkward fumblings in the back of the bus. Junior's thinking more along the lines of reverse-cowgirl anal

To the modern 14-year-old, the scenario would be laughably quaint: There's no stash to be hidden these days. You can "clear history," along with any residual shame, in one click. At each adolescent fingertip is an inexhaustable stream of high-def images and Flash video—some 400 million pornographic Web pages in all. The sheer breadth is staggering: If you watched porn 24 hours a day, for example, it would take you several years just to get caught up on the 13,588 professional titles released in the United States in 2005 alone. Plenty more is out there in bulk on the digital shelf, no credit card required: bestiality, piss-drinking, throat-fucking, bukkake gang bangs, triple anal penetrations—all exhaustively cross-referenced. Any day now, some poor kid may actually go blind masturbating.

The awkward truth, according to one study, is that 90 percent of 8-to-16-year-olds have viewed pornography online. Considering the standard climax to even the most vanilla hard-core scene today, that means there is an entire generation of young people who think sex ends with a money shot to the face. It's hard to pinpoint exactly where the age divide falls, but it's safe to say that the first purebred guinea pig to have grown up never knowing a world without fisting on demand is probably around 22 years old.

By the time they're in high school, America's porn-fed youth have already amassed an encyclopedic knowledge of smut. Seth Rogen, cowriter of Superbad—which features a now-classic scene of teenage boys graphically discussing hard-core sites—recently told me that one of his favorite pastimes is trolling porn message boards. "It's hilarious how much these kids know," Rogen says. "There'll be arguments like 'This is classified as gonzo, but I would say it's more of a feature-BDSM. Also, they say this clip is taken from Handjobs #8, but this scene was actually first featured in Killer Grips #7.'"

Rogen might as well have been talking about brothers Travis and Cody, typical 21-year-old college students in Florida who tell me there's one criterion at the top of their list when it comes to picking a fuck buddy. "Pubic hair is disgusting," Travis says. "Girls should keep their vaginas porn-star trim." Cody describes his first real-life ejaculate-to-the-face finale like this: "It was the happiest moment of my young life. There is just something about blowing a load in a chick's face that makes you feel like a man."

For most men over 30, facials aren't something you actually do. They're like car chases or hurling someone through a plate-glass window—the difference between cinema and life. But the ubiquity of porn has blurred the line. According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control, the number of heterosexuals having anal sex nationwide has almost doubled since 1992.

But boys have always been perverts. Since a facial requires a female to receive it, the real story might be the apparent surge in the number of willing participants. In Immersion: Porn, a documentary by New York photographer Robbie Cooper, 22-year-old Lindsay sees the act as empowering to women. "Even if she has eight dicks on her face, she's still the queen of those eight dicks," she says. "I definitely like come on the face."

Former State Department staffer Mary Eberstadt, writing in Policy Review, compares the prevailing attitudes about porn to the general consensus on tobacco in the 1960s. "[Porn] is widely seen as cool, especially among younger people, and this coveted social status further reduces the already low incentive for making a public issue of it."

Of course, porn doesn't cause cancer, though it may cause homemade sex tapes and hot cam-on-cam IM action (playing in a locked suburban bedroom near you). And it almost certainly causes cell-phone-picture taking: According to a 2008 survey, one in five teenagers have sent an explicit photo of themselves to someone else or posted one online.

The sea change is perhaps nowhere more evident than in the burgeoning crop of young actresses flocking to the industry. Joanna Angel of, a veteran porn actress at 28, describes doing a three-way recently with a 19-year-old girl new to the business. "It was her first scene ever, so I was like, 'Don't worry—just follow my lead,'" she recalls. "But then the scene started, and the way she was giving a blow job and the things she was saying and the way she was moaning—I was like, 'What the fuck?' When I was 19, I was not giving blow jobs that were nearly that exciting. The girls these days just seem to come to the set porn-ready."

In fact, "porn-readiness" is now a source of pride. While on tour promoting her memoir, Jenna Jameson was reportedly stunned that 13-year-old girls kept telling her she was their role model. In a survey of 1,000 British girls between the ages of 15 and 19, roughly 25 percent said they aspired to become professional lap dancers. "Dirty Angel," 22, who writes a blog called Tastes Like Kisses and started surfing porn in her early teens, says, "It was watching [adult star] Heather Brooke that gave me the mind-blowing skills I have now when it comes to giving a blow job."

To those of us who came of age in the eighties and nineties—the dinosaurs once naïvely content with even the most terrible, chafing teen hand job—it feels a bit like looking down from an attic window onto the Haight-Ashbury during the Summer of Love. Let the young have their Twitter and their Jonas Brothers—we have no interest. But this kind of hurts. Of course, we're not all missing out on the fun. The Brett Ratners, the Silvio Berlusconis, the thirtysomething divorcés of the world—they will carry the mantle for us and hopefully report back. At least those in good cardiovascular health.
I guess some slavery feels like freedom.
-Wembley Fraggle
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Re: intentionally horrifying Details article

Postby pisaquari » Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:24 am

dear goddesss
You can call a woman anything these days except "woman"--Sam
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Re: intentionally horrifying Details article

Postby oneangrygirl » Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:21 pm

LTE posted in Actions forum upstairs.
I guess some slavery feels like freedom.
-Wembley Fraggle
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Re: intentionally horrifying Details article

Postby radical_feminist » Tue Aug 18, 2009 2:08 pm

That is sickening.
If you have a penis, you are to blame. Case closed.
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Re: intentionally horrifying Details article

Postby AmazonLaur » Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:16 pm

"Pubic hair is disgusting," Travis says. "Girls should keep their vaginas porn-star trim."

Just another reason I am NEVER trimming, let alone shaving my pubic hair!

But that business about 13-year-olds wanting to be jameson is really sickening.
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Re: intentionally horrifying Details article

Postby StuartM » Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:39 am

I agree. A horrendous article. I found this also particularly depressing:

In Immersion: Porn, a documentary by New York photographer Robbie Cooper, 22-year-old Lindsay sees the act as empowering to women. "Even if she has eight dicks on her face, she's still the queen of those eight dicks," she says. "I definitely like come on the face."

It's extremely sad that someone could have so little sense of self-worth that they see themselves in such terms, that their only value is seemingly derived from the extent to which they can satisfy some man's dick. But in porn of course women are never people with their own thoughts, feelings and needs, they're only ever objects of men's desire to be used and then discarded.
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Re: intentionally horrifying Details article

Postby delphyne » Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:04 pm

It's got really unpleasant paedophilic undertones too that article too - being pleased that girls in their early teens are watching porn so they'll have been fully trained into the fuckbot state and being jealous of the boys who get to take advantage of it.
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Re: intentionally horrifying Details article

Postby oneangrygirl » Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:31 pm

here's a list of books by the article's author:

Ron Jeremy : the hardest (working) man in showbiz‎
by Ron Jeremy, Eric Spitznagel - Biography & Autobiography - 2008 - 368 pages
He knows where all the bodies are buried, and in this outrageous autobiography he not
only shows you the grave but also gives you the back story on the...
No preview available - About this book - Add to my library - More editions

The Junk Food Companion: The Complete Guide to Eating Badly‎
by Eric Spitznagel - Humor - 1999 - 213 pages
The Junk Food Companion is Eric Spitznagel's comprehensive handbook of
America's weirdest invention: junk food.
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A guy's guide to dating: everything you need to know about love, sex ...‎
by Brendan Baber, Eric Spitznagel - Family & Relationships - 1998 - 216 pages
This is a book no single man will want to be without, and no single woman will be able
to resist buying for the men in her life. quot;The M Word.
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Planet Baywatch: the unofficial guide to the new world order‎
by Brendan Baber, Eric Spitznagel - Performing Arts - 1996 - 128 pages
This hilarious parody of a '90s phenomenon predicts that Baywatch may one day
control the world, dictating how people talk, dress, and think.
No preview available - About this book - Add to my library - More editions

Cigar Asphyxianado‎
by Eric Spitznagel - Humor - 1998 - 64 pages
Now, this hilarious parody -- "Cigar Asphyxianado" -- takes dead aim at the
snobbery and arrogance of the "above" average cigar smoker.
No preview available - About this book - Add to my library

Fast Forward: Confessions of a Porn Screenwriter‎
by Eric Spitznagel - Fiction - 2006 - 214 pages
"Like most pornography, I found Fast Forward to be a relentless and indecent
assault on the traditional family values that Americans find most sacred.
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I guess some slavery feels like freedom.
-Wembley Fraggle
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Re: intentionally horrifying Details article

Postby bluecoat28 » Sat Aug 22, 2009 5:35 pm

delphyne wrote:It's got really unpleasant paedophilic undertones too that article too - being pleased that girls in their early teens are watching porn so they'll have been fully trained into the fuckbot state and being jealous of the boys who get to take advantage of it.

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Re: intentionally horrifying Details article

Postby oneangrygirl » Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:28 pm

so who's writing me a letter then?
I guess some slavery feels like freedom.
-Wembley Fraggle
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Re: intentionally horrifying Details article

Postby fullhumanity » Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:43 am

I found a post about this a few months ago on either Bitch or Bust magazine and the woman who wrote about it didn't criticize it enough,but most disturbingly and depressing was the amount of young women and men defending pornography and claiming to like having semen on their faces.One young woman said does this make her a bad woman and she said to the author who wrote about this article,that she must not watch a lot of porn,because most of the time it's not like the men in pornography say take that bitch and ejaculate on their faces,the women she said are always smiling.I posted what Robert Jensen wrote about this and quoting former porn star and director Bill Margold's woman-hating comments about ejaculating on women's faces and that he said that it's violence against women.And I said yeah,the women are shown smiling because pornography sexualizes the sexist degrading,dehumanization of women and makes it seem as if it's not degrading or dehumanizing,and that we want and like this! What a sick sexist,woman-hating male dominated world it is!

A guy on this site also said so what if men not wanting women to have pubic hair comes from porn.THere were a few people,I think they were women who say they are in the "adult" business. Disturbingly a 17 year old said she became a porn fan and I think the young woman saying the terrible crap about women always smiling when men ejaculate on their faces,is 17 too. :angryfire: :angryfire:

I have an idea,we can take women's eggs out of her ovaries and put them on women's faces,breasts and in their mouths and then when men ejaculate on women's faces,,breasts and in their mouths,it will be a whole new way of making babies! The men ejaculating into the vagina with semen with 3,00 million spem cells traveling up into the uterus to fertilize the woman's egg,is old fashioned now!
If there was a 12 billion $ industry portraying blacks,and Jews to Whites and German and Christians as just sex objects to use for them,calling them hateful names,nobody would say it's liberating for them! Nor would it be so acceptable and mainstreamed!
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Re: intentionally horrifying Details article

Postby fullhumanity » Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:56 am

In 1994 I wrote to psychiatrist Dr.Linnea Smith(who has an excellent informative site on the harms of pornography including Playboy) about my experience and the harms of pornography. She wrote me back a very nice note and thanked me for my important efforts to educate people on the harms of porn. She sent me two huge folders full of important information on the harms including Playboy cartoons of women being sexually harassed in the workplace by their male bosses and child abuse cartoons!

One of the many things she sent me was a transcribed lecture by forensic psychiatrist and law professor Dr.Park Elliott Dietz, and this lecture was given before the National Conference of State Legislators on August 5 1986 and was videotaped by C-Span. Dr. Dietz served as a commissioner on the Attorney General's Commission on Pornography. He was professor of law,professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry,and Medical Director of The Institute of Law,Psychiatry and Medical Director of The Institute of Law,Psychiatry and Public Policy at The University of Virginia School of Law and School of Medicine.

He gave many examples of women and children's testimonies who were sexually abused by men who used pornography,and also women who were sexually harassed on the job with pornographic pictures hung up on the walls and shown to them. He said he only used a small sample of the 1000's of women and children who testified. He says many times that pornography is a health problem and human rights issue and he said one of the reasons is because so much of it teaches false,misleading,and even dangerous information about human sexuality.

This is what he said a person would learn about sexuality from pornography, "A person who learned about human sexuality in the "adults only" pornography outlets of America would be a person,who had never conceived of a man and woman marrying or even falling in love before having intercourse,who had never conceived of two people making love in privacy without guilt or fear of discovery,who had never conceived of tender foreplay,who had never conceived of vaginal intercourse with ejaculation during intromission,and who had never conceived of procreation as a purpose of sexual union.,

Instead,such a person would be one who had learned that sex at home meant sex with one's children,stepchildren,parents,stepparents,siblings,cousins,nephews,nieces,aunts,uncles,and pets,and with neighbors,milkmen,plumbers,salesmen,burglars,and peepers,who had learned that people take off their clothes and have sex within the first 5 minutes of meeting one another,who had learned to misjudge the percentage of women who prepare for sex by shaving their pubic hair,having their breasts,buttocks or legs tattooed,having their nipples or labia pierced,or donning leather,latex,rubber,or childlike costumes,who had learned to misjudge the proportion of men who prepare for sex by having their genitals or nipples pierced,wearing women's clothing,or growing breasts.

Who had learned that about 1 out of 5 sexual encounters involves spankning,whipping,fighting,wrestling,tying,chaining,gagging,or torture,who had learned that more than 1 in 10 sexaul acts involves a party of more than 2,who had learned that the purpose of ejaculation is that of soiling the mouths,faces,breasts,abdomens,backs,and food at which it's always aimed,who had learned that body cavities were designed for the insertion of foreign objects,who had learned that the anus was a genital to be licked and penetrated,who had learned that urine and excrement are erotic materials,who had learned that the instruments of sex chemicals,handcuffs,gags,hoods,restraints,harnesses,police badges,knives,guns,whips,paddles,toilets,diapers,enema bags,inflatable rubber women,and disembodied vaginas,breasts,and penises,who had learned that except with the children,where secrecy was required,photographers and cameras were supposed to be present to capture the action so that it could be spread abroad.

He said if these were the only adverse consequences of pornography,the most straightforward remedy would be to provide factually accurate information on human sexuality to people before they are exposed to pornography,if only we could agree on what that information is,on who should provide it to the many children whose parents are incapable of doing so,and on effective and acceptable means by which to ensure that exposure not precede education. In the absense of such a remedy,the probable consequences in this area alone are sufficient to support recommendations that would reduce the dissemination of that pornography which teaches false,misleading or dangerous information about human sexuality. And these are not the only adverse consequences of pornography.

He then says before he gives more examples and research,that pornography is a health problem and human rights issue because it increases the probability that members of the exposed population will acquire attitudes that are detrimental to the physical and mental health of both those exposed and those around them,pornography is a health problem and human rights issue because it is used as an instrument of sexual abuse and sexual harassment.

And look where we are now!
If there was a 12 billion $ industry portraying blacks,and Jews to Whites and German and Christians as just sex objects to use for them,calling them hateful names,nobody would say it's liberating for them! Nor would it be so acceptable and mainstreamed!
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Re: intentionally horrifying Details article

Postby fullhumanity » Fri Jul 09, 2010 3:00 am

StuartM wrote:I agree. A horrendous article. I found this also particularly depressing:

In Immersion: Porn, a documentary by New York photographer Robbie Cooper, 22-year-old Lindsay sees the act as empowering to women. "Even if she has eight dicks on her face, she's still the queen of those eight dicks," she says. "I definitely like come on the face."

It's extremely sad that someone could have so little sense of self-worth that they see themselves in such terms, that their only value is seemingly derived from the extent to which they can satisfy some man's dick. But in porn of course women are never people with their own thoughts, feelings and needs, they're only ever objects of men's desire to be used and then discarded.

Thank you StuartM for telling and totally getting the terrible reality and truth!
If there was a 12 billion $ industry portraying blacks,and Jews to Whites and German and Christians as just sex objects to use for them,calling them hateful names,nobody would say it's liberating for them! Nor would it be so acceptable and mainstreamed!
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Re: intentionally horrifying Details article

Postby fullhumanity » Fri Jul 09, 2010 3:06 am


Dr.Gene Abel found that more than 50% of sex offenders used pornography,and that the offenders who used it were less able to control their behavior than those who did not.Psychiatrist William Marshall found that in a study of outpatient sex offenders treated over a six year period 86% of the rapists were regular users of pornography and 57% imitated pornographic scenes they enjoyed in commiting their rapes used pornography immediately before at least one of their crimes.Rhea Becker from the sadly former Women's Alliance Against Pornography Education Project in Cambridge,sent me a lot of research on the harms of pornography back in December 1990.Also he found in a study of child molesters in prision in Ontario Canada 77% of those who molested boys and 87% who molested girls were regular users of harc-core pornography.

One of the things she sent me included information that North Carolina State Representavie Richard Wright-Democrat,while announcing enactment of anti-pornography legislation he sponsored,cited a N.C. State Police study which found:defendants in 75% of the violent sex crimes in the state"had some kind of hard-core pornographic material" in their homes or vechicles."I'm talking about S&M (sadistic & masochistic) material,bondage he said,that came from The New York Times 1/26/86 & 10/13/85;The Virginian Pilot 10/20/85 and the articles were contributed by Alexandra Bassil,Ray Lynn Oliver;Barbara Sparrow.

Also included,was information about interviews with 50 Boston women who had been victims of marital rape,nearly 10% of their husbands were obssed with pornography;wanted their wives to help them make it.Many could only get aroused by staging a rape.''There was a sense that many of these men needed violence or strugle in order to have sex.They found the humiliation very stimulating.The women felt as though they were being used as masturbatory objects.There was a definite sadistic component to some."Approximately 45% of the rapes were categorized as "Battering rapes"- Address to the NY County Lawyer's David Finkelhor,Ph.D Associate Director-Family Violence Research Program,University of New Hampshire

The information also included a study conducted by the Michigan State Police in which 38,000 sexual assaults from 1956 to 1979 were analyzed found that in at least 41% of those crimes,pornography was used or imitated just prior to or during the act this came from Ladies Home Journal October 1985.The information Rhea sent me also included that a study of 36 convicted sexually oriented murderers/serial killers,found the single most common trait amongst them was 81% listed their primary sexual interest as pornography,71% voyeurism.The study's objective,conducted by the FBI's behavioral science unit in Quantico,Virginia,was to develop a psychological profile on sex killers in order to track them faster.The researchers concluded,after interviews with the 36 who collectively provided information on 1,188 murders,that the killers were characteristically immeresed in fantasy,this came from NY Daily News 6/26/85 and This World 7/14/85.

Feminist psychologist Phyllis Chesler says in her book,Patriarchy:Notes Of An Expert Witness that serial killers are obessed with pornography and woman hatred and sexually use their victims both before and after killing them,and she said most wife beaters,pedaphiles,rapists and serial killers of women are addicted to pornography.Nobody would need to do studies to prove that racist and anti-semetic pornography is very harmful to Blacks and Jews and it would never have been made so mainstreamed and acceptable!
If there was a 12 billion $ industry portraying blacks,and Jews to Whites and German and Christians as just sex objects to use for them,calling them hateful names,nobody would say it's liberating for them! Nor would it be so acceptable and mainstreamed!
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Re: intentionally horrifying Details article

Postby fullhumanity » Fri Jul 09, 2010 3:07 am

Pornography and Rape Culture

Question: Pornography helps to create a rape culture.

Strongly agree 35.4%
Agree 22.7%
Some pornography does 18.8%
Disagree 11.0%
Strongly Disagree 8.4%
I have no idea 3.6%

Responses: 308

The results of this poll do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Men Can Stop Rape. The results are not scientific and solely reflect the opinions of those Internet users who have participated.

Copyright © 2007 Men Can Stop Rape E-mail:
P.O. Box 57144 Washington, DC 20037
If there was a 12 billion $ industry portraying blacks,and Jews to Whites and German and Christians as just sex objects to use for them,calling them hateful names,nobody would say it's liberating for them! Nor would it be so acceptable and mainstreamed!
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