"Wife of Tiger Woods wins damages after Nude pictures s

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"Wife of Tiger Woods wins damages after Nude pictures s

Postby elfeminista » Fri Dec 07, 2007 11:18 pm

"Wife of Tiger Woods wins damages after nude pictures slur"

I suppose that according to these men, if she had been posing for pictures then she would be worthy of all the abuse and scorn and not even human, right?

By Paul Hoskins

DUBLIN (Reuters) - An Irish magazine apologized to Tiger Woods's wife Elin Nordegren Woods on Friday and agreed to pay the former model "substantial" damages after it published fake nude pictures during the 2006 Ryder Cup at the K Club.

"The false and deeply offensive article in The Dubliner magazine, with the accompanying photograph of another woman wrongly claimed to be me, caused great personal distress to me and my family," Nordegren Woods said in a statement.

She did not disclose the scale of damages received in settlement of a libel action brought in November 2006 but a source who was in the court room said the magazine had agreed to pay 125,000 euros ($182,000) over two years.

If The Dubliner defaults on payment it will become liable for a further 125,000 euros plus costs, the source said.

Nordegren Woods said the money would be donated to cancer support charities in memory of Heather Clarke, the late wife of British golfer Darren Clarke.

The statement from Nordegren said Trevor White, publisher of The Dubliner, had apologized unreservedly for the article.

"The story was cheap, tasteless and deliberately offensive," it quoted White as saying in the magazine's apology.

White described the article, entitled "Ryder Cup Filth For Dublin?," as utterly and comprehensively false, profoundly hurtful and shameful.

"The article was accompanied by a nude photograph of a woman falsely identified as being Elin Woods and the article falsely stated other such photographs were to be found on Internet porn sites," he said.

"There are no such photographs of Ms. Nordegren Woods on Internet sites or elsewhere. Ms. Nordegren Woods has never posed, or been photographed, nude."

The magazine also apologized for its initial defense that the article was intended as a satirical parody, saying instead that it was a "cheap, vulgar lie which was unforgivably insulting to Ms. Nordegren Woods."

(Editing by Tony Jimenez)
"I was analyzing a phenomenon I am seeing on the internet-- a proliferation of blogs in which the blogger identifies as a radical feminist, but does not seem to embrace the distinctives of radical feminism as we understand the term in the United States.And you know, I think it's okay if they do that, but I also think it's important to say what I said because otherwise (1) herstoric radical feminism gets erased; (2) people new to feminism never hear what herstoric radical feminism really was or is."~ Heart
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Postby RGM » Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:37 am

This is another one of those stories that serves to remind women: no matter how rich you are or well-connected you are, no matter what your social standing is, no matter how much power you wield, men can and will reduce you to pornography because that is where they see your true value and purpose.
Canadian novelist Margaret Atwood once asked a male friend why men feel threatened by women. He replied: "They are afraid women will laugh at them." She then asked a group of women why they felt threatened by men. They answered: "We're afraid of being killed."
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Postby Andrew » Mon Dec 10, 2007 2:35 pm

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Postby MaggieH » Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:34 pm

RGM wrote:This is another one of those stories that serves to remind women: no matter how rich you are or well-connected you are, no matter what your social standing is, no matter how much power you wield, men can and will reduce you to pornography because that is where they see your true value and purpose.

Yeah, I know. Unfortunately, it's sad... :(

... And enraging! :evil:
"The assumption that "most women are innately heterosexual'' stands as a theoretical and political stumbling block for many women. It remains a tenable assumption, partly because lesbian existence has been written out of history or catalogued under disease;. . . partly because to acknowledge that for women heterosexuality may not be a "preference" at all but something that has had to be imposed, managed, organized, propagandized and maintained by force is an immense step to take if you consider yourself freely and "innately" heterosexual. Yet the failure to examine heterosexuality as an institution is like failing to admit that the economic system called capitalism or the caste system of racism is maintained by a variety of forces, including both physical violence and false consciousness. . ."
-- Adrienne Rich, in Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence: http://www.terry.uga.edu/~dawndba/4500compulsoryhet.htm

“The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for white, or women created for men.” ~ Alice Walker
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Postby oneangrygirl » Sat Dec 15, 2007 6:11 pm

RGM: pretty concise summary of what it means to be female today.
I guess some slavery feels like freedom.
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Postby RGM » Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:53 pm

oag wrote:RGM: pretty concise summary of what it means to be female today.

And yet people still believe that feminism is unnecessary and passe, or that we're somehow living in a post-patriarchal world because Hilary Clinton is running for President.
Canadian novelist Margaret Atwood once asked a male friend why men feel threatened by women. He replied: "They are afraid women will laugh at them." She then asked a group of women why they felt threatened by men. They answered: "We're afraid of being killed."
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