NY Magazine article on teen sexual slavery

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NY Magazine article on teen sexual slavery

Postby sam » Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:30 pm

Once again as ever, sensationalism over pimps serially raping girls takes center stage while the much more numerous prostituting men who perpetrate this shit stay comfortably out of their wives' sights. Maybe that man who was shot outside the same strip club where this child was prostituted paid to rape her himself before someone higher in the patriarchal heirarchy, cops, did him in.

New York Magazine, where Ariel Levy works, also pimps prostituted women out of its "Marketplace" advertising section. http://nymag.com/marketplace/adult_adult.html

The 13-Year-Old Prostitute

Contrast this part:

"Romeo taught her the rules of the Game: When a girl is on the street and she sees a pimp on the sidewalk, she has to get off the sidewalk, into the street, and not make eye contact with him or talk to him. Otherwise, she is “out of pocket” and has “caught a charge”—that pimp has a claim on her and either her own pimp has to pay a fine or else she is now the property of the new pimp."

One night, Lucilia went to the store, where a guy asked if she wanted him to pay for her. She said sure. Then he said he was a pimp and she’d just gotten a charge. She bolted out of the store and ran back to the house, terrified. The pimp from the store called Romeo and said he had to give her up or pay a $5,000 fine, but Romeo refused. 'Well, if I see your bitch on the street,' the other pimp said, 'I’m-a just snatch her and beat the shit out of her and then make her go make my money.' And that’s what he tried to do. One night, he jumped out with a bunch of other pimps and tried to pimp-arrest her. 'I ran,' Lucilia says. 'I ran so fast I was like a mile away already.' She ducked into a building where she knew some teenage guys who sometimes came to the house to smoke weed or buy sex. “I was like, ‘Yo, call my daddy for me,’ and they knew who my daddy was. Romeo came and got me in the car, and he’s like, ‘Oh, my God, this is why I made you my bottom bitch, ’cause you know how to follow all the rules!’”

with this prostitution terminology written in 2004 by Joe Parker, anti-pornstitution activist and former clinical director of the now defunct Lola Greene Baldwin Foundation:
http://www.prostitutionrecovery.org/pro ... ology.html

BOTTOM BITCH (PREVIOUSLY BOTTOM LADY): a pimp who has more than one woman under his control will appoint one woman to supervise the others, report rule violations, and often help inflict punishment on them. Some, in later life, will go on to become pimps, madams and escort service operators themselves.

CHOOSE: the victim can be told she has chosen a pimp by as little as making eye contact with him. Usually involuntary, but some more experienced women may be able to negotiate a change of pimps if they have the fee.

OUT OF POCKET: person not under control of a pimp. Will be vulnerable to threats, harassment and violence in order to make them "choose" a pimp. Also may mean in violation of pimp's rules.

RABBIT: a prostituted person who goes from one pimp to another too frequently.

RENEGADE: prostituted person not under control of a pimp.

SWEATING A BITCH: when a pimp puts pressure on a prostituted person to accept them as their pimp. Methods include stalking, harassment, assaults and outright kidnapping.
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