Glamour Magazine Woman of the Year - Somaly Mam

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Glamour Magazine Woman of the Year - Somaly Mam

Postby delphyne » Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:02 pm

Via the Captive Daughters blog - ... tPage=5%22

"Mother courage
Somaly Mam
For surviving her childhood as a sex slave, Somaly Mam is a hero. For rescuing thousands of other girls from that same fate, she’s a modern-day saint, and she’s setting an example for the world. As an orphan in war-torn Cambodia, Mam, now in her late thirties, was sold to a brothel by the family she lived with. She was forced to have sex with as many as six men a day and saw girls get chained, caged and beaten. The defining moment of her life came when she watched an abusive pimp kill her best friend. She looked the dying girl in the eye and decided to risk her life by escaping; if she made it, she’d help others break free too.
In the years since then, South Asia’s sex-trafficking industry has only boomed. Girls as young as five are sold by their parents for just a few dollars. Mam’s rescue organization, Acting for Women in Distressing Situations (AFESIP, its acronym in French), saves girls, many of whom have HIV, from brothels in Cambodia, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. At her centers, Mam, whose life is under constant threat from the brothel owners, helps the girls heal physically and emotionally. It’s heartbreaking work: Often they try to go back to their pimps because freedom is so unfamiliar. “I say to them that I was like them,” says Mam, who spent three years convincing one girl to stay. “Me also, I wanted to go back.”
“Somaly Mam’s story is a model for activism in the global effort to abolish modern-day slavery. She is a clear hero in my eyes,” says Ambassador John R. Miller, director of the U.S. State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. Clearly her work has worldwide impact, but Mam is most interested in whichever child needs her this moment. “All I want is to help the victims,” says the woman who never knew her own parents—or even her birth date. “I want to be a true mother for them. A mother who gives them love.”—Abigail Pesta"

Somaly Mam's anti sex-trafficking organisation -

I know women's magazines are often compared to lads mags, but there really isn't much to compare. At least every now and then a little pro-woman or even feminist content manages to sneak in.
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