But girls were rapeslaves before legal sex predation!

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But girls were rapeslaves before legal sex predation!

Postby sam » Tue Nov 07, 2006 12:13 pm

The thread title is meant to disbuse anyone of the notion that there's any connection between a rapestitution culture and rape.

Man admits keeping German schoolgirl as sex slave

http://rawstory.com/news/2006/Man_admit ... 62006.html

dpa German Press Agency
Published: Monday November 6, 2006

Dresden, Germany- An unemployed man who kidnapped a child and treated her as a slave for five weeks earlier this year admitted to rape and other serious offences in a court in Dresden, Germany on Monday. The girl, 13, who is being identified in the German media with the assumed name Stephanie, was only freed by police after she had dropped secret notes on the street pleading for someone to save her.

As the charges of kidnap, rape, sexual abuse of a minor, assault and use of child pornography were read out, the defendant, 36, lunged from his seat. Court attendants wrestled him down and led him out of court in handcuffs. He later returned and admitted to the charges.

Nine hearing days have been set down for the case. Police in the city of Dresden have been under fire for failing to find the girl after she was abducted, although she was held in an apartment just a few blocks from her home by the defendant who had a paedophilia record.

She was kept chained in the apartment and sometimes taken outdoors for walks late at night. She was freed February 15. The victim, who has since turned 14, was not in court Monday.


Will this even make a bump on anyone's radar, I wonder? Will newsmedia or feminists-at-large pick up on this story of the 'simple' sexual enslaving of a girlchild for five weeks of raping, or would she have to be a celebrity's relative kept in a basement dungeon with her toes cut off and fed to dogs to get the same level of attention as a murdered Amish girls got- which itself was not a lot. Notice how quickly that femicidal story and the one in Colorado became old news while the Foley story rumbles on with its partner the Haggard story joining its side.

Some politico once said of a shoe-in candidate that the only thing that could ruin his win was to be found in bed with a dead girl or a live boy. That should be rephrased to say 'dead animal' because the shock value of fucking dead girls has dipped beneath that of fucking dead animals if the media attention on the guy who violated his girlfriend's dead dog's anus is any indication. Stories about girls enslaved for repeated rapings are so 2004.

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