Guyana: WPO urges support for young women in porn scandal

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Guyana: WPO urges support for young women in porn scandal

Postby CoolAunt » Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:33 pm

WPO urges support for young women in porn scandal
Sunday, July 23rd 2006
The Women's Progressive Organisation (WPO) is appalled at the recent reports of young women being drugged and taped while performing sexual acts.

A press release from the women's arm of the People's Progressive Party (PPP) said the taping of the activities was intended to compromise the women and the allegations of blackmail and threats cannot be overlooked.

"The allegation of being drugged implies coercion, thus the action cannot be mutual," so it is wrong for anyone to make it appear "as if the women were asking for it," the group said.

The WPO said it was disgusted by the actions of the young men. The group also condemns the producing of the locally made pornographic discs abelled 'Guyanese Girls Gone Wild'. ... d=56500113
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