The Menz Are Threatened by All-Female Ship Crews

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The Menz Are Threatened by All-Female Ship Crews

Postby RGM » Thu Jul 12, 2007 1:28 pm

There's a story in today's Halifax Daily News about an all-female crew participating in this weekend's festivities at the annual Tall Ships event. Predictably, the first 7 comments are all from men, and guess what, they're feeling oppressed at the "sexist" article and its supposed anti-male agenda. Because women doing anything on their own without the presence of the menz is threatening to the status quo, you see.

dragonfly and I have both commented in the comments section, and I'd like to encourage anybody who feels so inclined to pop in on the discussion and let the poor insecure menz know that their feelings about not getting to ride on one ship (in a sea that is literally full of them) don't really stack up against women's anger about the ubiquitous level of male violence against women.

The story itself is actually pretty cool. Not only are the women on the ship taking charge, they're also teaching their daughters how to run a ship and live their lives independently. Hmm, no wonder the menz are up in arms! index.cfm?sid=44091&sc=89#commentsview
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Postby KatetheGreat » Thu Jul 12, 2007 4:02 pm

Oh god, if there's one thing I absolutely cringe at, it's the misandry argument.
Actually, "cringe" doesn't quite sum it up: it's more of a combination of wanting to burst out laughing, cringing, feeling sad, and wanting to put my foot through a tv. :D

I shall indeed post, and I may get Josh to add a post as well.

While he's finding it difficult to explain the article to his son, I wonder if he's aware of the delicate situation many mothers are also when trying to explain to their daughters why women are treated as sex objects in the Daily News (HFX) and in society, and on tv etc. etc.

When I bring this up, a lot of the anti-misandry-activists yell about me being a communist or nazi.
Sadly, I thought the men who cried misandry were just in the states. *sigh*
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Postby bluecoat28 » Thu Jul 12, 2007 6:23 pm

I love it when girls learn how to use machinery/technology! It's a wonderful idea to teach the daughters how to run a ship. Those men crying misandry seem like total fools. FOOLS. :evil:
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Postby KatetheGreat » Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:01 pm

Could someone else please go comment? These guys are driving me batty. I got the old "don't shortchange women" argument that misogynists always tend to turn to in order to claim there's no inequality, thereby saying that when I claim there may be I am, I am making an anti-feminist statement by "shortchanging women's accomplishments"


This has been used in the lad's mags argument as well. And when I wanted to report the sexual harassment I was getting repeatedly at school, I was told "a strong woman" wouldn't let a man get to her.

Frig that, I did anyways.

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Postby RGM » Fri Jul 13, 2007 4:07 pm

Just left another comment in there. That last commenter, before mine, is a jerk that clearly just doesn't get it. He can't see the big picture, and that he's encouraging you to raise your voice when you see sexism after trying to shut you up for doing exactly that demonstrates what an ass-clown he is.
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Postby sam » Fri Jul 13, 2007 4:37 pm

That was 5 minutes well spent.
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Postby elfeminista » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:05 pm

I had a wonderful dream once that i lived in Minoan Crete. In my dream I lived in a wonderful apartment overlooking the harbor. I was taking care of several children, and we were looking at the harbor through huge windows(well, it was a dream, I can have huge windows if i want to in my dreams, ps, the huge living room was festooned with plants). In the harbor there were entire crews of only sailor Women crewing large sailboats, and they were bringing spices and goods from faraway lands. In my dream, it was from these sailors that we heard of far-off places where men had gone haywire, and were installing patriarchies that oppressed Women and Girls. We were all a bit concerned.
"I was analyzing a phenomenon I am seeing on the internet-- a proliferation of blogs in which the blogger identifies as a radical feminist, but does not seem to embrace the distinctives of radical feminism as we understand the term in the United States.And you know, I think it's okay if they do that, but I also think it's important to say what I said because otherwise (1) herstoric radical feminism gets erased; (2) people new to feminism never hear what herstoric radical feminism really was or is."~ Heart
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Postby RGM » Sun Jul 15, 2007 4:09 pm

We actually went down to the Harbour today to see the ship. Very cool to see the Unicorn, but none of the crew seemed to be around or else we would have liked to chat with them and find out if they're aware of the little brouhaha created on the Internetz. Anyways, here's a couple pics of the ship:


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Postby Andrew » Fri Jul 20, 2007 7:52 pm

Gotta love it! Sisters under Sail!
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